Ulrich Klopfer, another poster child for the culture of death

Last week South Bend, Indiana discovered that they’d had their own version of Dr. Kermit Gosnell living among them for years when thousands of abandoned medical records were found in deceased doctor’s abortion clinics ~

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — First, authorities discovered a spine-chilling 2,246 fetal remains in the Illinois garage of an abortion doctor after his death. Then, investigators found “thousands” of abandoned medical records across his abortion clinics in Indiana, the Indiana attorney general announced on Friday, Sept. 20.
Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill called Dr. Ulrich Klopfer one “of the more notorious abortionists in the history of Indiana.”
The doctor had “a record of deplorable conditions and violations of regulatory controls that are placed on these clinics,” Hill said. “He certainly was problematic in life, and as it turns out, continues to present problems in his death.”
The remains found in his home date back to abortions he performed between 2000 and 2002, when he operated clinics in Indiana, authorities said. They were inside small, sealed plastic bags that contained a chemical used to preserve biological material, Will County Sheriff Mike Kelley had said.
Klopfer operated three abortion clinics in South Bend, Indiana, before his license was suspended in 2015.


What is it with ghouls like Klopfer and Gosnell that compels them to not only specialize in ending life – but then to save the fetal remains as some sort of grisly trophies? There’s something malevolent in the very nature of their chosen field. These “doctors” aren’t outliers – aberrations in an otherwise life-affirming branch of medicine – they’re emblematic of the abortion industry’s culture of death.



The human body is truly the most amazing creation in the world. Its functional design so complex that the more scientists study it, the more they realize how much they still don’t understand. The process of embryonic development, from fertilized egg to fully-developed baby is simply breathtaking.

Life’s Hidden Marvel, an article by Dr. Laurieanne Dent in a recent edition of Answers in Genesis, discussed developmental biology. Her detailed description of God’s unbelievably intricate engineering of human heart development actually brought tears to my eyes ~

Despite what one might think, neither the brain, the skeleton, nor skin is first to develop in the embryo. Rather, it is the heart. The very first organ our Creator caused to form in each individual is a heart […]
From a functional perspective of embryonic development, it makes sense that the heart would form first. The growing number of cells must be kept alive, including those that give rise to future neurons, osteocytes, and cells of the epidermis. The heart is needed to pump life-giving blood that delivers oxygen and nutrients and removes waste products from the embryonic cells. Thus, the circulatory system—heart, blood, and blood vessels—is the first organ system.
Not only the first organ to develop, the heart also shows a unique developmental process not seen with the other major organs. In the early embryo (in humans, less than three weeks old), the heart begins to develop bilaterally, from two separate regions (called a heart field) located on either side of the embryonic midline. Simultaneously and independently, the heart field cells self-assemble into two separate tubes. These bilateral tubes must move in the correct three-dimensional direction and find the embryonic midline. The tubes have the ability to detect local migratory cues, pointing the way to the midline where they then fuse with the corresponding tube from the other side. It is now a common heart tube and eventually will become the left ventricle, the largest and “power” chamber of the heart. Uniting two tubes from separate regions of the embryo is an astounding feat of genetically regulated cell communication and migration—all to form just one of the four chambers of the heart!

Talk about irreducible complexity! And this is only the beginning. Read the rest HERE. (It’s mind-boggling to think that anyone can be aware of this beautifully orchestrated process and still believe in evolution.)



Abortion is an intentional, violent end to this awe-inspiring development process. The cruel termination of a unique image-bearer.

“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;”
~ Genesis 1:26 ~


We don’t know what would possess a person to collect the remains of thousands of dead babies. (Or maybe we do.) But how can the act of destroying nascent lives over and over and over (in Klopfer’s case more than 50,000!) not corrupt the soul? How can a movement whose enthusiastic supporters chant “we will fight, we will win, throw the fetus in the bin” and “Hail Satan” be anything but evil?


“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you,
that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing:
therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live;”

~ Deuteronomy 30:19 ~

Rabid Pro-Aborts – the Mask Drops
Ulrich Klopfer, another Dr. Frankenstein of abortion meets a silent media ~

The wanton killing of the unborn has turned doctors into something worse than the fetal body-part-selling monsters of Planned Parenthood. They’ve become the very monster of Mary Shelley’s Gothic horror tale “Frankenstein.”


Abortion Doctor Who Hoarded Fetuses Faulted WWII Bombings For His ‘Perception’ Of Humanity, Film…
Family of abortion doctor doesn’t know why fetal remains were in garage at Will County home, lawyer says
Buttigieg Continues Support for Abortion Provider with Troubled History

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