Indoctrination – it’s all part of progressives’ “design”

The National Science Foundation (your tax dollars at work) recently funded a study aimed at developing ways to more effectively teach indoctrinate youngsters about evolution. Early last month Psychological Science published the results, from Boston University psychologist Deborah Kelemen and her team. As the Institute for Creation Research relates (my emphasis) ~

The aim of her research was to intentionally “suppress” children’s “commonsense ways,” and to “explain why animals have functional traits and show signs of apparent design.” 😯
According to the Psychological Science report, prior research had shown that “children in preschool and early elementary school show teleological biases to explain the origins of natural objects’ properties by reference to functions.”

In other words, even little kids recognize the design evidenced in nature. And Kelemen’s research is deliberately aimed at thwarting that innate tendency.

“Studies show that many secular people who say they believe in evolution still don’t really understand it. Why is natural selection so hard to understand and accept? What can we do to make it easier?”

If evolution is just so darn hard to comprehend, maybe that’s because it’s just an old outdated supposition? Proponents of the still unproven “theory” typically ignore all evidence to the contrary, such as ~
Irreducible complexity
Anthropic principle
DNA evidence
Genetic entropy

In fact the more science advances, the more the actual evidence points away from evolution. Yet facts don’t particularly matter to the Left. I believe that they cling so tenaciously to Darwin’s theory because it permits them to insert themselves in place of the God that they’re convinced evolution has eliminated.
Once upon a time we used to teach children how to think. But that’s so last-century. Today’s progressive educator is all about teaching them what to think. And frankly, it’s insidious ~

The candid and enthusiastic embrace of training kindergarteners to “suppress competing intuitive” explanations has the flavor of Orwellian mental manipulation, with people coerced into accepting inconsistent concepts without dissent. Since advocates are psychological professionals trained to understand how young minds operate—and society entrusts them to use that knowledge for good—using them to teach Darwinism sounds even more perverse. Isn’t this essentially using a method of thought reform to indoctrinate a young child’s mind with a specific belief system against his or her will? Would it not be better to teach children how to objectively test competing explanations against factual data?

Source: Institute for Creation Research



Whenever I come across stories like this I’m reminded of the scriptural reverence to a millstone, which describes the fate reserved for those who deliberately lead the innocent astray ~

Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depths of the sea. ~ Matthew 18:6

Anti-Creation Rhetoric Lacks Creativity ~ As with all progressive endeavors, the Left’s favorite strategy is to ignore or disparage dissent.
The Theory Of Evolution Is An Evil Lie From Satan And Needs To Be Abolished From Society (WARNING – graphic Holocaust pix) ~ from Theodore Shoebat at ~ A tad overzealous perhaps. And I think he paints Darwin’s motivation as much darker than it actually was. But he is correct about the social implications of evolution and the ways in which the “theory” has been used to justify all manner of man’s inhumanity to man.

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