To bake or not to bake; freedom from coercion?

This week in Washington D.C. a critically important case is set to commence, the outcome of which will be pivotal. In the next few months we’ll learn whether the Supreme Court will reaffirm our rights under the First Amendment – or side with the Gaystapo.
MasterpieceCake1Tomorrow, the top court will begin hearing arguments in the Jack Phillips’ case. Alliance Defending Freedom is representing Jack and his Colorado bake shop. Here are the basics ~

Jack is a Christian cake artist and owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado. One summer afternoon two men came into his shop asking him to design a wedding cake for their same-sex wedding. Jack politely declined, just as he would have done in response to a request for a Halloween cake, an anti-American cake, a racist cake, or even a cake celebrating a divorce.
Jack’s view of marriage, shaped by the Bible, would not allow him to use his artistic talents to celebrate an event in conflict with that view. But he did offer to sell them anything else in his shop or to design a cake for a different event instead. The offer to serve them in another way – a way that does not violate his conscience – was not enough. Later, the couple came back to picket his cakeshop and then sued him. The case has been ongoing for the past five years.

Why not just go to another bakery? Because there’s an agenda to push. Not only are we Christians (- and one would presume Muslims as well – though oddly enough they’re never targeted…) not allowed to be critical of homosexual marriage, we must publicly affirm it – even though God says it’s sinful.

In a recent article, Why the Masterpiece Cake Case Matters to All Americans, Dr. Michael Brown lays out some specifics, explaining why the Supremes should find in Phillips’ favor ~

The Alliance Defending Freedom, which is defending Phillips, has pointed out that:
1. “Jack does not discriminate,” and he was perfectly happy to sell the gay couple, who subsequently took him to court, cookies and brownies and anything else pre-made off of his shelves;
2. “Jack has turned down other cakes in the past,” including Halloween cakes and lewd cakes;
3. “Jack has faced anti-religious bigotry as well as threats and intimidation simply because he declined to promote an event,” so he is the one being singled out for unfair treatment;
4. “Jack owns a private family business, and he doesn’t give up his rights when he sells his art,” and by calling his business “Masterpiece Cakes,” he is making clear that for him, they are works of art;
5. Accordingly, “Jack’s shop has been called an ‘art gallery of cakes’’;
6. ‘Wedding cakes made up about 40 percent of Jack’s business,’ and these are all custom designed. But due to Colorado’s laws and legal rulings to date, he has had to drop this part of his business entirely […]

MasterpieceCake2In the days ahead, many on the left will argue that Phillips was guilty of discriminating against gay customers. But that is a complete misrepresentation of the facts, and if the Supreme Court finds him guilty, the implications for America will be massive.
It will mean that the highest court in the land has ruled that, in virtually all conceivable cases, gay rights trump religious rights. And it will mean that Christians in particular can be forced to violate their consciences and their deeply held, historic beliefs under penalty of law, with the real potential of losing their very livelihoods. And should they still refuse to comply, it could mean a jail sentence too.




Amendment I ~
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


In the United States, it’s rightly understood that a business owner can’t refuse service on the basis of skin color, religion or sexual orientation. But can we still refuse to serve an agenda? Or is our faith no longer a matter for consideration? Don’t we need to amend the Constitution if we’re going full totalitarian?
Brown and others are correct; the outcome of this case could not be any more consequential. Ultimately, this Supreme Court will determine whether or not freedom of religion still exists in America.

As Christian Baker Heads to Court, Hundreds of Artists Speak Out to Defend Free Expression ~

The court’s decision in this case won’t just affect Phillips. It will affect other artists who may want to decline to use their creative talents on projects that violate their own consciences.
To highlight just how broadly this decision will be felt, 11 cake artists and 479 other creative professionals filed amicus briefs at the Supreme Court.

Here’s a close-up look at Jack Phillips and Masterpiece Cakeshop, from the Daily Signal ~


The Gaystapo Inquisition
Saving religious liberty from the secular totalitarians
Another job Christians can’t do

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5 Responses to To bake or not to bake; freedom from coercion?

  1. Pingback: Saturday Shorts – 12-9-17 | Designs on the Truth

  2. Pingback: Freedom of Religion survives – barely | Designs on the Truth

  3. Pingback: Masterpiece epilogue | Designs on the Truth

  4. Pingback: LGBTQwhatever radicals just never relent | Designs on the Truth

  5. Pingback: Halleluiah! Looks like Colorado’s persecution of Jack Phillips may finally be over | Designs on the Truth

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