Saturday Shorts – 6-30-18


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Liberals declare war on ‘Little House’: they despise how it portrays Christianity, family life ~ It’s come to this now? The Left is certifiable ~

(I)n the America of 2018, we can celebrate the vilest forms of entertainment and hand out Oscars for perverse and sex-soaked storytelling that makes a mockery of everything America once was, but Laura Ingalls Wilder is simply too offensive.
This week, the Association for Library Services decided to strip her name from a prestigious award for authors of children’s literature (a genre which Wilder can be given significant credit for developing.) Her crime? Insufficiently predicting the complexities of 21st century race relations, and thus writing things perceived as insensitive to Native Americans and blacks—although Wilder herself rebuked racism and assured her critics that none was intended in her books, and her stories portray these characters very positively.

Summer Rains and Record Crop Output: No Room for Climate Lies ~ The monsoon season in India isn’t cooperating with the climate alarmists.

Caroline Glick: Erdogan’s Win Means U.S. Must Cancel F-35 Sale to Turkey ~ I mentioned this in last week’s “Shorts.” Turkey, under Erdogan, is increasingly unstable ~

Erdogan’s emasculation of the parliament is the final stage of his seizure of absolute power. Over his 15 years in office, Erdogan has assumed control of the Turkish media; banking system; judiciary; civil service education system; major industries;, and, most recently, the military. There is literally no independent power source capable of challenging his will.

Couple that with his ambition to reinstitute the Ottoman Empire ~

As Turkey has cultivated jihadists as allies, Erdogan has spurned Turkey’s traditional allies — Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.
As for Europe, Erdogan has taken an active role in undermining European societies through migration.

And Turkey still won’t release Pastor Andrew Brunson! So no, F-35’s aren’t exactly something the U.S. should be sending this power-hungry Islamist dictator.

WATCH: More than a Dozen Women Brawl at San Francisco Pride Parade ~ You’re welcome to watch. I couldn’t. The pictures were disgusting enough. These bimbos should really be proud of their savage behavior.

ABC Reporter Goes to Border, Stumbles Across Active Human Smuggling Op ~ When you venture outside your reality-free zone…

Along the Rio Grande, “illegal immigration” is not just a clash of protests and slogans, but a sweaty battle of wits between smugglers who take money to bring poor families across the border and federal agents who try to stop them.
The reality of that battle was captured Monday when ABC News correspondent Tom Llamas and a crew rode for a day with Border Patrol Agent Robert Rodriguez near McAllen, Texas, ABC reported.[…]
Kevin McAleenan, commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, said the reality of what Rodriguez and other agents experience has been overlooked in the political condemnation of the president.
“I think there’s a misplaced focus, that it’s not just about what’s happening at the border. It’s about what’s happening to these families that led them to make the decision in Central America to try” to get to the United States, McAleenan said. “They’re in the hands of Mexican cartels, dangerous organizations, and then the dangers of the crossings. That piece has lost focus in the current dialogue.”

Anti-child abuse advocate arrested for trying to have sex with kids ~ Leave it to the UK Daily Mail to report on this one. Our mainstreams aren’t particularly interested (A picture this guy shared on Facebook suggested that he supported Hillary Clinton in 2016) ~

The head of a charity that campaigns against sexual violence has been arrested in New York for child pornography and allegedly trying to meet with children as young as two for sex.
Joel Davis, 22, is accused of trying to set up sexual encounters between himself and young children, as well as soliciting an undercover FBI agent to send sexually explicit videos of minors […]
Davis is the chairman of the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict – an organization devoted to ending sexual violence.

Netflix Under Under Fire for Suspected Child Pornography Scenes ~ Sick. Megan Fox at PJMedia first broke this news. The content of these scenes clearly meets the description of “child pornography” under federal law. Sounds like The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children has launched an investigation. Unfortunately reports of this perversion are becoming all too common ~ TED Talk Organization Under Fire for Bizarre ‘Pedophilia’ Lecture.
Soros-Backed ‘United We Dream’ Behind Mitch McConnell, Elaine Chao Ambush ~ If there’s subversive behavior going on, you can pretty much bet Soros has thrown some $$ behind it. “United We Dream” is a real nightmare ~

An intern at an undocumented immigrant-focused group funded by liberal billionaire George Soros, and which is an approved group of the left’s biggest dark money donor network cofounded by Soros, was behind the ambush confrontation of Sen. Mitch McConnell and his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, as they were leaving an event at Georgetown University on Tuesday evening.

America Is Not the Tenth Most Dangerous Country for Women, You Idiots ~ Apparently this “poll” was taken at the height of the anti-male #MeToo movement. And note, sexual harassment (wolf whistles) is considered “dangerous” ~

Rather than comparing statistics on sexual violence, contrasting government policy, or anything that would give us concrete, objective measurement to judge one country against another, Thomson Reuters Foundation polled 548 women’s rights experts across the globe and asked them their opinion on the most dangerous countries […]
Of course violence against women is endemic across the globe; even that WHO study found that a fourth of North American and European women will be victimized. But it benefits no one to misleadingly inflate the problem and elevate the shortcomings of liberal democracies to the level of the worst countries in the world. The fact of the matter is that the United States remains one of the safest countries in the world to be a woman, and of that we should be proud.

Remember Radical NSA Leaker Reality Winner? She Just Got Sentenced ~ She’s “won” a 63 week prison term ~

Reality Winner, a former Air Force linguist, was a contractor with the National Security Agency in Augusta, Georgia when she leaked a classified report to a journalist for The Intercept as part of her attempt to expose alleged Russian election meddling and “set the facts straight.” […]
Winner, 26, was denied bail in part because she had demonstrated enough radical beliefs and intentions, including writing that she wanted to “burn the White House down” and demonstrating a “fascination with the Middle East and Islamic terrorism,” that authorities believed she was a flight risk.

UK MP tells Commons: “I’m on my period” ~ Video from Rebel Media. This occurred in the British House of Commons and “common” it certainly is (She’s looking for free sanitary products 😯 ). Not to mention immature, disgusting and offensive. If this is what women in politics means I say (speaking as a woman) sent ’em back to the kitchen barefoot and pregnant.


The Passing of Charles Krauthammer and the Meaning of Conservatism ~ While Krauthammer was an intelligent, effective voice for most conservative causes, Dr. Michael Brown notes the importance of a solid grounding in God’s Word. America will only survive by standing on the country’s Judeo-Christian principles. It’s the only firm foundation in a sea of warped worldviews ~

Unless our movement believes in absolute (God-ordained) moral values, we will not be able to withstand the coming tsunami.[…]
(H)ere in America, our second president, John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

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  1. Pingback: Little Hollywood House of Sexual Perversion | Designs on the Truth

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