Racism is a cruel hoax

The drama surrounding last week’s hyped-up “racist” incident at a downtown Philadelphia Starbucks becomes even more ludicrous when you understand the truth – as progressive National Geographic reveals it – there’s no scientific basis for race—It’s a Made-Up Label.

(S)hortly before Charles Darwin put forth his theory of evolution and long before the discovery of DNA—scientists had no idea how traits were passed on. Researchers who have since looked at people at the genetic level now say that the whole category of race is misconceived.


Of course Nat Geo still buys into Charlie’s discredited theory – and they mistakenly think humans emerged from Africa (maybe that’s where the oldest fossil remains have been discovered?) – but we won’t hold that against them. At least they’re willing to go where the evidence leads them. And now that the human genome has been mapped it’s led them to the realization that there is only one human race.

Over the past few decades, genetic research has revealed two deep truths about people. The first is that all humans are closely related—more closely related than all chimps, even though there are many more humans around today. Everyone has the same collection of genes, but with the exception of identical twins, everyone has slightly different versions of some of them.
Studies of this genetic diversity have allowed scientists to reconstruct a kind of family tree of human populations. That has revealed the second deep truth: In a very real sense, all people alive today are Africans.

Answers in Genesis would take exception to the last assertion, only because they hold to the Biblical account of Noah and a worldwide flood. From this perspective we are all descended from one of three women (Noah’s daughters-in-law). We should call ourselves “Noahans?”
Analysis of the mutations found in mitochondrial DNA (mitochondria: a small set of genes located inside a part of our cells; the cell’s “energy factories”) shows that ~

• There aren’t enough DNA differences (mutations) to support hundreds of thousands of years of evolution
• Maternal lines can be traced back to three branches (most likely the wives of Noah’s three sons)

As Nat Geo explains, thanks to our growing understanding of DNA ~

(T)he visible differences between peoples are accidents of history. They reflect how our ancestors dealt with sun exposure, and not much else.

Now none of this is probably of the slightest interest to lefties, they’ll never let our differences in pigmentation go. They need racism.
The Left continuously engages in identity politics, pitting one group against another; black-white, men-women, rich-poor, gay-straight, old-young. Whatever the particular issue, they never seek to unify; the goal is always to create animosity between various groups. They actually promote racism as a means to advance their agenda. (Guys like Al Shapton and Jesse Jackson have built their careers on race-hustling) The simple reality that we’re all one race is actually an existential threat to progressivism.

Instead of the half-day sensitivity training Starbucks is subjecting their employees to next month, they could save a whole lot of money by just having them watch this seven-minute video (sorry can’t embed) ➡ Why Do We Look Different?
We’re all unique individuals. And we may come from different people groups. But WE’RE ALL ONE RACE.

Common Beginnings ~ Worldwide legends of a worldwide
Encountering the Ark ~ in Kentucky
Is Russell Crowe’s latest film scriptural?.. NO-ah!

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