Common Beginnings

Did you ever wonder why – if the story of Noah’s flood was actually true – all civilizations don’t share a common ancestral memory of such a cataclysmic event? After all, God can certainly act globally (a worldwide flood), so why is the flood story localized? Why were the Jews the only ones to keep a written record of creation and an epic, land-disappearing flood?

Turns out they weren’t. Theirs was certainly the lengthiest, most detailed record of history, but many other cultures have very similar creation/flood legends.

China’s ancestors even embedded parts of the past in their written language. This video from the Institute for Creation Research (IRC) explains how some Chinese pictographs – thousands of years old – were actually invented based on the creation/flood narratives ~

This article at IRC gives many more examples of the pictographs’ corroboration of the Genesis story ~

The silent-yet-testifying witnesses of ancient Chinese pictographs, which remind us that the earliest Chinese generations knew much of what we read in Genesis, are a monument to God’s truth, preserved in simple pictographic symbols. That historically preserved truth points to the accuracy of the Scriptures, which in turn always point to and glorify the Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:39, 46).

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