Sex change is physically impossible

Far Left social deconstructists are no doubt celebrating a recent surge in the number of sex-reassignment surgeries ~ Sex change surgeries skyrocket amid transgender movement ~

The number of procedures, including the removal and construction of external genitalia, increased nearly fourfold from 2000 to 2014, according to the study published Wednesday in the journal JAMA Surgery.


In the UK there’s an epidemic. Anne Hendershott at Catholic World Report found that gender identity clinics in Britain have seen referral increases of up to 100 percent in the past year ~

At London’s Charing Cross—the oldest and largest adult clinic—the number of referrals has more than tripled in 10 years, from 498 in 2006 to 1,892 in 2016, while a clinic in Nottingham reported a 28-fold increase in referrals in eight years, and a clinic in Exeter saw a 20-fold increase in a decade.

trans-rightsTragically, the Left probably cheers these statistics as welcome progress. But studies are starting to reveal the trans phenomenon for the psychological disorder that it truly is.
Writing at the Daily Signal, Ryan T. Anderson, author of “When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Movement,” explains ~ Sex Reassignment Doesn’t Work. Here Is the Evidence

(T)he medical evidence suggests that sex reassignment does not adequately address the psychosocial difficulties faced by people who identify as transgender. Even when the procedures are successful technically and cosmetically, and even in cultures that are relatively “trans-friendly,” transitioners still face poor outcomes […]
Dr. Paul McHugh (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine): “The most thorough follow-up of sex-reassigned people—extending over 30 years and conducted in Sweden, where the culture is strongly supportive of the transgendered—documents their lifelong mental unrest. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.

Our own government (surprisingly, the Obama Administration), found that there wasn’t enough data to conclude that healthcare coverage for reassignment surgery should be mandated. After a thorough review in 2016, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services found ~

(T)here is not enough evidence to determine whether gender reassignment surgery improves health outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries with gender dysphoria. There were conflicting (inconsistent) study results—of the best designed studies, some reported benefits while others reported harms.

These studies validate the testimony of Walt Heyer, a former transgender ~

For the last 50 years, the transgender ideology has grown progressively more deadly and destructive as it takes lives via suicide, destroys marriages, rips family relationships apart (including my own), and now expects the whole of society to reject the physical truth about sex and gender in public places and in social interactions, under the threat of ostracization and legal prosecution.


Anderson reveals what we all instinctively knew until five minutes ago ~

Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in “When Harry Became Sally,” sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
This is just one manifestation of the fact that natural organization is “the defining feature of an organism,” as neuroscientist Maureen Condic and her philosopher brother Samuel Condic explain. In organisms, “the various parts … are organized to cooperatively interact for the welfare of the entity as a whole. Organisms can exist at various levels, from microscopic single cells to sperm whales weighing many tons, yet they are all characterized by the integrated function of parts for the sake of the whole.” […]
Modern science shows that our sexual organization begins with our DNA and development in the womb, and that sex differences manifest themselves in many bodily systems and organs, all the way down to the molecular level. In other words, our physical organization for one of two functions in reproduction shapes us organically, from the beginning of life, at every level of our being.
Cosmetic surgery and cross-sex hormones can’t change us into the opposite sex. They can affect appearances. They can stunt or damage some outward expressions of our reproductive organization. But they can’t transform it. They can’t turn us from one sex into the other.

He closes with this final diagnosis ~

One of the chief functions of the brain is to perceive physical reality. Thoughts that are in accordance with physical reality are normal. Thoughts that deviate from physical reality are abnormal—as well as potentially harmful to the individual or to others. This is true whether or not the individual who possesses the abnormal thoughts feels distress.
Our brains and senses are designed to bring us into contact with reality, connecting us with the outside world and with the reality of ourselves. Thoughts that disguise or distort reality are misguided—and can cause harm. In “When Harry Became Sally,” I argue that we need to do a better job of helping people who face these struggles.

Sex change is physically impossible. Let’s move on. And help these folks by dealing with the underlying pathologies.
Here, again, is Walt Heyer ~

Doctors should focus on uncovering the parallel disorders that often lie at the root of the trans-person’s distorted self-identity. These often include alcohol abuse, drug usage, chronic depression, and personality disorders.
Uncovering these disorders results from engaging in effective psychotherapy, not surgery.

So gender insanity is the new normal?

April is “gAy-PRIL,” and anything goes
New Study Proves Gender Is Not a Social Construct ~

“Research into gender differences often attracts criticism which seems to be based on the moral judgement that biological bases for sex differences are somehow harmful to society. As scientists, and as members of the public who value truth over opinion, we need to move beyond moralistic arguments about facts and instead use the facts in beneficial ways.” ~ John A. Barry, University College London’s Institute for Women’s Health

Normalizing psychosis ~ Now you can identify as “agender” or “intersex”
Scientific confirmation: boys aren’t girls – and feelings aren’t facts
The reality behind the Left’s Trans-anxiety

More TransINsanity
Transgenderism and the Social Construction of Diagnosis ~ The insidious power of culture to spread falsehoods; persuading vulnerable youth they’re something they’re not.

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4 Responses to Sex change is physically impossible

  1. Pingback: Michigan church harassed by Gaystapo | Designs on the Truth

  2. Pingback: Saturday Shorts (Sunday Edition) – 6-2-18 | Designs on the Truth

  3. Pingback: Bending genders; we’re transitioning to the Twilight Zone | Designs on the Truth

  4. Pingback: An unborn baby never had a chance thanks to Trans-insanity | Designs on the Truth

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