Leftists Increasingly Intolerant of Religious Dissent

By now, we all know the drill: stand up for traditional marriage and brace for a full frontal assault from the Left. Brad Pitt’s mom discovered the ugly truth just a couple weeks ago.
This time, it’s fast-food chain Chick-fil-A that’s been targeted for attack. In a recent interview, company president Dan Cathy raised the ire of the Left with remarks like this: “We are very much supportive of the family – the biblical definition of the family unit ….”
Scandalous? Outrageous? Offensive?
Yes – if you’re an anti-Christian Leftist.
Leading the charge of the Intolerance Brigade as usual are charming celebrities like Roseanne Barr ~

No surprise there. But now local elected officials are rattling their sabres as well, which – as Michelle Malkin says – is downright chilling, and an affront to the First Amendment.

It’s one thing for Hollywood moppets and television Muppets to protest Chick-fil-A over the fast-food chain president’s support for traditional marriage. They’re private citizens and entities. But when an elected public official wields the club of government against a Christian business in the name of “tolerance,” it’s not harmless kid stuff.

First, it was Boston’s mayor Thomas Menino:

“Chick-fil-A doesn’t belong in Boston.” He recklessly slandered the company by accusing it of “discriminat(ing) against the population.” And he warned ominously: “If they need licenses in the city, it will be very difficult — unless they open up their policies.”

And now it’s Chicago, led by alderman Joe Moreno, who just blocked a permit for a new Chick-fil-A restaurant in that city!
A recent lawsuit in New Mexico reveals just how relentless the Left has become in their pursuit of the LGBT agenda. From the American Catholic:

A ruling by the New Mexico Court of Appeals has found that Christian photographers cannot refuse to photograph a “gay wedding” on religious grounds. The absurdity and tyranny of this ruling is almost unfathomable, but what is less surprising is the vindictive nature of the entire case. As an entire slew of court cases in Canada demonstrates, the radical homosexual movement is not about fairness, tolerance or equality. Like its equivalents among racial minorities (think Black Panther Party) or feminists, it is about envy, revenge, and domination.

As I have argued and will continue to argue, the homosexual movement is the movement of hate, intolerance, bigotry, and totalitarianism. Whether your are Christian or not, whether you have homosexual inclinations or not, the implications of the New Mexico court’s rulings for political liberty, religious freedom and private property rights ought to frighten you if you care in the least about these concepts.

What’s going on in America these days? What in the world is happening to a country that was founded by people seeking a haven from religious persecution?
Simply put ~

This is oppression. It is part of a concerted effort to invade the thoughts, beliefs and values of American citizens and particularly Christians and force them in a different direction. It is about thought-policing and ideological conformity. We must oppose it, and refuse to stop until the line is so firmly entrenched that none would dare attempt to cross it.

It’s also fascism. The ruling elite is attempting to force their belief system on the entire population. Freedom of religion be damned.
If we don’t stand up to this assault on our values, freedom from persecution in America will be a thing of the past.
So… support your local Chick-fil-A! Find a location HERE.
And participate in Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day – August 1st ~ Spearheaded by Mike Huckabee
Rahm Emanuel Pledges To Ban Chick-Fil-A From Chicago ~ Chicago is becoming the new murder capitol of the U.S., unemployment is close to 10%… And Mayor Rahm Emanuel is taking action: he’s banning Chick-Fil-A.

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