Wrath of the Left Descends on Brad Pitt’s Mom

Wow. If you want to avoid death threats, don’t mess with Obama supporters and homosexual activists. Brad Pitt’s mother learned that lesson the hard way.
It all started when Jane Pitt, probably assuming she still had a right to free speech in America, penned a letter to the editor in her local Missouri newspaper. She was responding to another reader who felt Christians shouldn’t vote for Romney because he’s a Mormon.
Pitt, like a large percentage of Christians, believes that – considering the radical alternative – Romney is clearly the best choice for president. Mormonism and all. And her letter politely articulated that position.
Here’s a portion of she wrote, published by the Springfield News-Leader, via WorldNetDaily:

I think any Christian should spend much time in prayer before refusing to vote for a family man with high morals, business experience, who is against abortion and shares Christian conviction concerning homosexuality just because he is a Mormon…
Any Christian who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama – a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for years, did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer and is a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage.

Sounds like common sense reasoning based on fact and rooted in faith. But to the radical Left them’s fightin words, and so the hate brigade kicked into high gear.
Every leftist pundit, ad nauseum, immediately painted Pitt as “Anti-Gay.” As usual, unable to justify their extremist positions in a civil debate, they slip into default mode: misrepresent, smear and demonize your opponent(s).
Since the publication of her letter, Jane Pitt has been intimated into silence by these cretins. She’s even been the subject of death threats!
Among other vile comments on various social media sites were these gems:

“Brad Pitt’s mom, die,” wrote Twitter-poster Sandy Kownacka.
A tweet from “I Bleed Gaga” echoed similar sentiments, saying, “Brad Pitt’s mom wrote an anti-gay pro-Romney editorial. Kill the b—-.”
Other comments included, “F— you, brad pitt’s mom, the gay community made your kid a star, you whacko,” and, “Brad Pitt’s mom is a dumb c—.”

Charming, yes?

Beyond the progressive deconstructionist positions, it’s the angry, hateful rhetoric that exposes the Left for the insidious threat they represent to civil discourse in America and to free speech itself.
Up-date: 7-11-12
Jane Pitt’s daughter-in-law’s father comes to her defense: Jon Voight defends Brad Pitt’s mom after she gets death threats for penning anti-Obama letter to the editor
My only question is, how did two decent people like Pitt & Voight wind up with a couple wacko kids like Brangelina?

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