Francis and Donald don’t seem to agree on the Ultimate Authority

Two weeks ago it was very refreshing to see President Trump skip the pointless Climate Summit at the U.N. and instead address a separate meeting on international religious liberty ~

“Today, with one clear voice, the United States of America calls upon the nations of the world to end religious persecution. Stop the crimes against people of faith,” Trump said, before calling on “the governments of the world to honor the eternal right of every person to follow their conscience, live by their faith, and give glory to God.”


Who would have believed when he announced his presidential run four years ago that this non-religious real estate magnate would so quickly turn out to be such a vocal defender of religious freedom? As Pastor Robert Jeffress told “Fox & Friends” host Ainsley Earhardt ~

“This is the first time any leader of a nation has addressed the UN on religious persecution. A third of the world is living under religious persecution…and it is a remarkable thing that this president would skip a UN climate change summit on an imaginary problem to address the very real problem of global persecution of believers.”

Indeed. On the other hand, we have the Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church directing faithful Catholics to obey… the U.N. ~


Michael Matt of Remnant News & TV discusses much more than the pope’s latest
declaration; heresies, schisms, counter-revolution – all of it very interesting.


ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) – Pope Francis said on Tuesday (Sept. 10, 2019) Britain should comply with a U.N. resolution and return a chain of islands it holds in the Indian Ocean to Mauritius, including one rented to the United States for the Diego Garcia air base [..]
“When we recognize international organizations, such as the International Court of Justice in The Hague or the United Nations, and give them the capacity to judge internationally, when they speak, if we are (part of) humanity, we must obey.”


And, channeling his inner socialist ~

“It is true that not all things that are right for humanity are also right for our pockets (financial interests) but international institutions must be obeyed,” he said.

Unequivocally? As GloriaTV pointed out, a large percentage of the U.N. dictates are antithetical to Christianity ~

(M)any UN policies are deeply immoral. They punish countries and institutions which do not bow to the demands of the abortion and gay tyranny.

(Let’s not forget their annual vociferous condemnation of Israel.)

While failing to criticize the United Nations for those positions, Pope Francis embraces the organization’s “climate crisis” agenda. Just ahead of this last U.N. summit he was providing his climate change expertise again.
While the 9-1-19 message he issued for the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation correctly stated that we are to be good stewards of God’s creation, his flowery language seemed to evoke more reverence for creation than the Creator. He later lapsed into a misinformed discourse – reflective of his Marxist roots – on what we poor souls must do to save the planet (leading one to wonder where he got his degree in climatology) ~

Egoism and self-interest have turned creation, a place of encounter and sharing, into an arena of competition and conflict. In this way, the environment itself is endangered: something good in God’s eyes has become something to be exploited in human hands. Deterioration has increased in recent decades: constant pollution, the continued use of fossil fuels, intensive agricultural exploitation and deforestation are causing global temperatures to rise above safe levels. The increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme weather phenomena and the desertification of the soil are causing immense hardship for the most vulnerable among us. Melting of glaciers, scarcity of water, neglect of water basins and the considerable presence of plastic and microplastics in the oceans are equally troubling, and testify to the urgent need for interventions that can no longer be postponed. We have caused a climate emergency that gravely threatens nature and life itself, including our own […] 😯

(T)he forthcoming United Nations Climate Action Summit is of particular importance. There, governments will have the responsibility of showing the political will to take drastic measures to achieve as quickly as possible zero net greenhouse gas emissions and to limit the average increase in global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius with respect to pre-industrial levels, in accordance with the Paris Agreement goals. Next month, in October, the Amazon region, whose integrity is gravely threatened, will be the subject of a Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Let us take up these opportunities to respond to the cry of the poor and of our earth!

Sorry Francis, but speaking of egoism, you seem to have forgotten just Who is in charge of this planet (May I suggest you re-visit the book of Job?) ~

God’s voice thunders in marvelous ways;
He does great things beyond our understanding.
He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’
and to the rain shower, ‘Be a mighty downpour.’
So that everyone He has made may know his work,
He stops all people from their labor.
The animals take cover;
they remain in their dens.
The tempest comes out from its chamber,
the cold from the driving winds.
The breath of God produces ice,
He loads the clouds with moisture;
At His direction they swirl around
over the face of the whole earth
to do whatever He commands them.
He brings the clouds to punish people,
or to water His earth and show His love.
(Job 37:5-13)

God is in control. Furthermore, He never told us to obey any governmental agency – national or international – that orders us to act contrary to His law.


Pope embraces false AGW doctrine

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