A Matter of Faith

Although I’m so old I have no idea who Marty Sampson of Hillsong is, I was still saddened to hear about his renunciation of his Christian faith ~ ‘I’m Genuinely Losing My Faith’: Hillsong Worship Leader Rejects Christian Beliefs ~

Marty Sampson, a worship music writer, singer, and active member of Hillsong has publicly denounced his faith on social media:
“Time for some real talk. I’m genuinely losing my faith, and it doesn’t bother me. Like, what bothers me now is nothing. I am so happy now, so at peace with the world. It’s crazy.
“I am not in any more. I want genuine truth. Not the “I just believe it” kind of truth. Science keeps piercing the truth of every religion. Lots of things help people change their lives, not just one version of God. Got so much more to say, but for me, I keeping it real. Unfollow if you want, I’ve never been about living my life for others.”


Judging from his exit testimony one has to wonder whether Marty’s faith was truly genuine to begin with. And if genuine truth is what he honestly wants, either he hasn’t been doing much searching – or he’s looking in all the wrong places.
Honestly, his objections to Christianity seem disingenuous – almost childlike – and they’re ably refuted here by Dr. Michael Brown ~

I’m thrilled to hear he wants “genuine truth” as opposed to simply taking things by faith. But I must ask once more, “What Christian world has he been living in?”
Is it just me and my colleagues and the people who follow my ministry who want “genuine truth”? Who are willing to ask the hard questions? Who actually encourage honest seeking? (These are rhetorical questions. The answer is, “Certainly not! There are countless millions who want more than just a simplistic, ‘shut off your brain’ kind of faith.”)
As for science “piercing the truth of every religion,” I will simply say this. If Marty and I were standing next to wall of solid, academic Christian books responding to scientific challenges and that wall of books collapsed, we would not survive the avalanche. (Here’s a good place to start your study.)


Commenting on Sampson’s (and Joshua Harris’s) apostasy, Creation-Evolution-Headlines explains, science is the worst excuse for losing one’s faith these days ~

Potential apostates are often lured away from the Bible because of scientific claims. They are led to believe that science has proved Darwinism and that the Earth and the universe are billions of years old, casting doubt on Genesis. It’s not clear how much this was a factor in the present cases, but to the extent that Harris and Sampson (or any others) began to wobble because of science, they must have been unaware of the quicksand that their scientific ground is turning out to be. Despite scientists’ bluffing confidence and media’s triumphalism, evolution is still a theory in crisis.


In fact, all Marty needs to do is spend a few hours on CEH is discover just how implausible Darwin’s theory has turned out to be ~

If you are wobbling in your faith, please give us your attention. To begin with, everyone has problems. Everyone has questions. You should not be surprised that there are difficulties in the Bible, and questions that are hard to answer. Theologians and thoughtful laymen have wondered how God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility work together. They have struggled to watch man’s inhumanity to man, and to harmonize human suffering with a loving God. Creation scientists tackle a host of questions about fossils, adaptation, and the ages of physical processes. None of this is a secret. You should watch former atheist Lee Strobel tackle some of the big questions in his book and film, “The Case for Faith.” It’s OK to ask hard questions and seek answers, as long as you do it honestly, and are not looking for rationalizations to support a previous commitment to apostasy […]
Don’t think that apostasy will lift you from religion to science, or from the miraculous to the scientifically provable. Scientism is full of supernaturalism and miracles! Materialists see the universe and life, with all its beauty and design, as products of chance. What Biblical miracle could ever be as incredible as that? And what about the mind, consciousness, logic and reason? Those are not made of atoms. They are supernatural. If you abandon trust in the Word of God, you are jumping from a warm pan into a blazing fire. […]

(T)here are apologetics ministries in abundance that can answer any hard questions you might have. Try Stand to Reason and Cross Examined. Watch Illustra Media‘s excellent films and browse the free videos at The John 10:10 Project. Once you become convinced of the emptiness of scientism, next become convinced of intelligent design, then of theism, then of a personal God, then of Jesus Christ, and the veracity of the Bible. Follow the signposts at our Site Map. At that point, it’s up to you; will you abandon what you can see to be true (despite any remaining questions), or take a step of faith in the direction the evidence points?


There are numerous other ministries that have offered advice and resources to Sampson – if he genuinely is seeking the Truth.

Dr. Brown concludes his article with this ~

My prayer is that Marty Sampson would have the integrity of heart to seek the truth earnestly, with humility and passion, and that all others with questions will put those questions on the table.
I’ve done that for the last 47+ years, being challenged by rabbis from my earliest days as a believer and having done all my academic studies in secular institutions. As a result, I love the Lord with all my heart and with all my mind. He is the God of truth, and His Word is truth.
So, don’t be afraid to ask your honest questions and to follow the truth where it leads. Just don’t do it superficially, and be sure to seek God first and foremost.
And let’s pray for Marty’s repentance, restoration, and more,

Skillet’s John Cooper Makes Waves With Facebook Post on Christian Leaders Leaving the Faith ~ I’ve never heard of this guy either, but he’s much wiser than young Mr. Sampson ~

Cooper pleads for the church not to stifle inconvenient truths but to “hold even tighter to the anchor of the living Word of God. For He changes NOT.” He wrote, “We must STOP making worship leaders and thought leaders or influencers or cool people or “relevant” people the most influential people in Christendom.” […]
Cooper said the concept of lordship is being lost in a generation of young people. “We could be doing a much better job of preaching truth — and it’s not just the leaders. I’m talking about all of us.” He said the Church needs to say, “I don’t want to look for what is entertaining. I don’t want to look to what tickles my ears. I want to look to what is right and true. If my ideas of God are wrong, then I need to change my ideas of who God is.”

More Darwin doubters ~ A couple intellectually honest professors recently recognized the complete improbability of evolution.

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