More Darwin doubters

Charles Darwin formulated his theory of evolution 160 years ago. It’s past time to move on and embrace reality.
darwinfrommonkeysWhat Darwin discovered on the Galápagos Islands, and what scientists ever since have observed, is the ability of organisms to adapt to changing environments and conditions as required to survive. However, since 1859 no one has ever found any proof of macro evolution – one species morphing into another – in a natural setting. And no one ever will. Because it’s an impossibility.

So it’s very encouraging to find more and more academics and other professionals with the intellectual integrity to realize the truth: all of creation appears to be designed… because it was designed.
Doctor who was once an evolutionist explains why the complexities of the human body show that mankind is no accident ~

Dr. Tommy Mitchell has gone through a spiritual evolution. The medical doctor, who once embraced theistic evolution, is now a young-Earth creationist who speaks and writes for Christian ministry Answers in Genesis […]
“When you stop and really consider the complexities of the body — whether it’s the homeostatic mechanisms that allow the temperature to remain constant, or the acid-base levels to remain within very tight limits, or the way the kidney helps regulate the blood pressure and the fluid balance, or the blood-clotting proteins and they all have to be in exactly the same place at exactly the right concentrate or a small cut on your finger will cause you to bleed to death [it is compelling],” Mitchell said.

Famed Yale computer science professor quits believing Darwin’s theories ~

David Gelernter, a famed Yale University professor, has publicly renounced his belief in Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, calling it a “beautiful idea” that has been effectively disproven […]
In May, the Claremont Review of Books published a column by Gelernter headlined “Giving Up Darwin.” In it, he explained how his readings and discussions of Darwinian evolution and its competing theories, namely intelligent design, have convinced him Darwin had it wrong.
In particular, he cited Stephen Meyer’s 2013 book Darwin’s Doubt as well as The Deniable Darwin by David Berlinski […]

Gelernter cited the Cambrian explosion as one insurmountable problem facing Darwinism. That’s because the fossil record shows “a striking variety of new organisms — including the first-ever animals — pop up suddenly in the fossil record over a mere 70-odd million years.” This directly contradicts the expectation by Darwin that “new life forms evolve gradually from old ones in a constantly branching, spreading tree of life.”
What’s more, Gelernter adds Darwin’s main problem is molecular biology, pointing out advances in technology have brought forth vast amounts of new information and understanding about the complexity of life, all of which has shown random mutation plus natural selection cannot generate new and complex creatures.


The unquestioning allegiance to Darwin’s theory of evolution is definitely starting to crumble. We can only hope that more scientists will break free of their *scientism and join the ranks of such scientific notables as Sir Isaac Newton, Sir Fred Hoyle, Charles Babbage, Frances Bacon, Johannes Kepler, Blaise Pascal, Louis Pasteur, Michael Faraday, Galileo and Leonardo da Vinci.

*Scientism is the enemy of science. The triumph of scientism is the death of science. Scientism forecloses alternative theories and demands totalitarian groupthink. No task ahead is more vital than exposing and debunking the invented pseudo-science of scientism.

Some Professionally-Safe Darwin Doubters Are Now Speaking Out ~ From Jerry Bergman, PhD, at Creation-Evolution-Headlines ~

In my experience after teaching at three universities, when discussing Darwinism with colleagues, I have learned there exist many more Darwin skeptics than commonly believed. Most are in the closet for very good reasons (career survival), or at least they decline to publicly speak out about their views opposing Darwinism. The evidence against Darwinism is so great that it seems inevitable a few would speak out about their well-founded doubts about evolution. And some have.

Gallup, Darwinism, and Scientism ~

It is Darwinism, not its alternative theories, that is an intolerant system of blind faith that brooks no reconsideration, no conflicting scientific opinion, and no independent thought. This shows up not only in the purging of academicians who hold politically incorrect views in life sciences, which Ben Stein exposed in his 2008 documentary Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, but in deliberate mischaracterization of the debates about the origin of life.

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