Saturday Shorts – 6-22-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

The Tragic Transformation of Oberlin College ~ In addition to hating on old white folks, they’re anti-Semitic as well; so much anger. An Oberlin alum laments the changes over the last several years ~

As one student explained, “it’s their way or the highway,” as she described a divided community and an overall atmosphere of tension and fear about being marked and labeled as “the bad guy” for supporting Israel […]
Tragically, Oberlin College has become a paradox of itself—a place where the self-righteous and dogmatic “social justice” ideology of the institution’s leaders promotes hostile and divisive behaviors. Indeed, as the Gibsons trial has shown, Oberlin is now a place where ideology has replaced civility and where arrogance has smothered all expressions of humility and grace.

NYPD won’t arrest students for low-level offenses in schools ~ Leave it to DeBlasio to light a fuse. The Parkland H.S. shooter never would have been in the building if it weren’t for this sort of lackadaisical approach to discipline ~

Mayor Bill de Blasio announced on Thursday that he’s ordered cops to stop arresting or summonsing Big Apple students “whenever possible” for a host of crimes — such as boozing, smoking pot and vandalism — in city schools.
Controversial Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza went so far as to say cops shouldn’t necessarily bother doing their jobs in schools.

Library Rejects Best Seller in Favor of Climate Alarmist Orthodoxy ~ Because free speech is a fundamental right in this country, Americans have NEVER banned books – until now – with the ascendancy of the screeching, intolerant Left ~

Apparently in defense of climate orthodoxy, the Northland Public Library of suburban Pittsburgh has banned from its shelves a best-selling book by a nationally recognized local author.
In a May 29 letter to local author Gregory Wrightstone, library executive director Amy Steele said a committee of three librarians had “concluded your book does not meet our standards.” […]
“Inconvenient Facts: The Science That Al Gore Doesn’t Want You To Know,” disputes claims that global warming is largely a man-made phenomenon threatening the health of people and the environment […]
The book has received rave reviews from readers, including respected scientists. Sales of the book have skyrocketed in recent months, reaching as high as #10 in overall Amazon sales as recently as March and #1 in sales in five categories.

Why Some People Really Oppose Anti-Vaxxers (Because Someday They Want to Say No to the Rest of Us) ~ Peter Wolfgang makes an excellent point, the anti-vax crusade is about more government control. (Although anti-vaxxers aren’t without well-grounded objections.) ~

(Anti-vaxxers) were purposely made a target of public hate in order to plant premises in the law that could be used later on. Take away the religious liberty exemption of this small despised minority now, for public health reasons, and even Christians cheer you. Then later on, use the same logic against bigger targets. Including the Christians themselves.

The Resurgence of the Feminist Witch ~ (I think that term is redundant) Discussing his upcoming book, Jezebel’s War with America, Dr. Michael Brown describes this disturbing new trend ~

(T)here is a direct and real spiritual connection between the rise of radical feminism, the explosion of porn, the attack on masculinity, the militant abortion movement, and the resurgence of witchcraft. And the ascendancy of Donald Trump to president, for better or for worse, has served to highlight all these different but related streams.

Which makes one wonder ~ How long will I be allowed to remain a Christian? ~

In various parts of the Middle East, there is a genocidal cleansing of Christians being carried out. Women, men, and their young children are being slaughtered because of their faith and world leaders and most of the media turn their backs in bored indifference.
Here in the United States, Christians and Christianity are mocked, belittled, smeared and attacked by some on a daily basis. This is a bigoted practice that is not only increasing exponentially, but is being encouraged and sanctioned by a number on the left.

Here’s a recent example ~ Being a Christian in Academia Can Be Costly ~ Corey Miller was forced out of his PhD program because of his open faith in Jesus Christ. Discrimination included ~

• Told to shut up from sharing his Christian views in a freshman class, and given an F.
• Received prank calls at 3 in the morning from classmates mocking his faith.
• Called schizophrenic and delusional by his psychology professor.
• Dropped by an atheist grad advisor and forbidden to proceed in his PhD studies.
• As an adjunct professor, was threatened by professors and students.*
• Forced to go overseas to complete his PhD.

Official New Zealand government website wipes Israel off the map ~ Taking dhimmitude to a whole new level ~

SYDNEY, Australia (JTA) — Immigration New Zealand, an official government website, published a fact sheet with a map of the Middle East that showed a “Palestine,” but not Israel.

Trump’s Art of the Trade Deals With Mexico and China ~ Art of the deal ~

This week has seen big updates on the trade front. The White House reported late yesterday, “A day after Mexico’s 114-4 landslide vote to become the first country to ratify the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada trade deal, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau visited Washington today. In addition to meeting with President Donald J. Trump at the White House, the Prime Minister encouraged Congress to make USMCA a bipartisan priority.” In other words, memo to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi: Knock it off with the Obstruct Trump™ agenda and do something positive for a change.

Unborn Babies are Being Extracted From Their Mother’s Wombs Alive to Have Their Livers Harvested ~ More horrors from the pro-abort savages. The courageous David Daleiden explains how the atrocity of government-funded fetal experimentation is worse than we first realized ~

National Institutes of Health (Health and Human Services’ research branch) grantee Dr. Jörg C. Gerlach, an “experimental surgeon” at the taxpayer-funded University of Pittsburgh, has developed and published on a grotesque technique to harvest fresh, pristine livers from intact babies delivered alive in late-term abortions “at a gestational age of 18 to 22 weeks.” Gerlach’s liver-harvesting “protocol” is used for experimental stem cell transplants according to “current Good Manufacturing Practice,” or cGMP, guidelines developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, another arm of HHS.

U.S. Supreme Court Vacates Oregon’s Decision to Penalize Bakers for Exercising Free Speech ~ Another victory for the First Amendment ~

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, the Supreme Court of the United States announced that it reversed a decision the state of Oregon that forced bakers Aaron and Melissa Klein out of business by penalizing them $135,000 for refusing to create a government-approved message. The case was sent back to the Oregon courts for further review in light of its Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission […]
“This is a victory for Aaron and Melissa Klein and for religious liberty for all Americans,” said Kelly Shackelford, President, CEO, and Chief Counsel to First Liberty. “The Constitution protects speech, popular or not, from condemnation by the government. The message from the Court is clear, government hostility toward religious Americans will not be tolerated.”


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