When your worldview doesn’t conform to reality

UNPLEASANT FACT: Reality always wins in the end.

We can all believe whatever we choose to about the world we inhabit. Our personal views of ourselves, of our fellow humans and the rest of creation can be totally subjective. But if we hope for a well-adjusted, productive, contented life, it’s only reasonable that we base those beliefs on observable, historic realities. Trying to function with a worldview that doesn’t actually correspond to the world – well, you’ll eventually be disappointed, depressed, despairing – or worse.
For example, you can insist it’s not pouring raining outside. But that won’t stop you from getting soaked if you go out without an umbrella. You may believe you can fly, but step off a 20 story building and you’ll quickly learn otherwise. You can be a female and feel like a male, but your XX genes know the truth.
And, as one young couple recently discovered much too late, your worldview to the contrary, evil really does exist ~ Couple out to disprove ‘evil’ killed by ISIS ~

An American couple decided to bicycle around the world in an attempt to prove evil does not exist. They chose to bicycle through ISIS territory and ISIS killed them […]
Jay Austin and Lauren Geoghegan left their D.C. government jobs nearly two years ago to embark on a worldwide bike tour. The wide-eyed, optimistic couple kept track of their trips on a website where they posted stunning photos of their travels and whimsical musings on evil, the media and the goodness of people.

Located in Central Asia, Tajikistan is ranked 22nd on Open Doors’ World Watch List; countries where Christians face various levels of hostilities and persecution. Officially a presidential republic, the country is essentially an Islamic theocracy ~

In Tajikistan, no religious activities outside of state-run and state-controlled institutions are allowed. Government officials are the main driver of Christian persecution in the country, and since 2015 have significantly stepped up their persecution. Because all Protestants are suspected of being spies intent on destroying the country’s political system, the government is intent on controlling and eradicating their presence completely. There is almost no tolerance of religious education, and church registration is restricted by stringent administrative barriers. All Christian activity is heavily monitored […]

As in many other (Muslim) countries, converts from Islam in Tajikistan experience the worst persecution, perpetrated by family, friends and their local communities. They face extreme pressure to recant their Christian faith, sometimes even resulting in beatings and house arrest. This is in addition to Christian persecution from the government. Baptist, Evangelical and Pentecostal Christians suffer from raids, threats, arrests and fines from the government, as well.


Furthermore, Tajikistan is adjacent to Afghanistan and Pakistan, both ISIS havens. It’s highly likely the terrorist group has established a presence in that country as well. So Tajikistan is not exactly a tourist mecca.
But apparently Jay and Lauren weren’t deterred. In one of his last posts, just before entering Tajikistan Jay wrote ~

You watch the news and you read the papers, and you’re led to believe that the world is a big, scary place. People, the narrative goes, are not to be trusted. People are bad. People are evil. People are axe murderers and monsters and worse.
I don’t buy it. Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own—it’s easier to dismiss an opinion as abhorrent than strive to understand it. Badness exists, sure, but even that’s quite rare. By and large, humans are kind. Self-interested sometimes, myopic sometimes, but kind. Generous and wonderful and kind. No greater revelation has come from our journey than this.

Unfortunately, the couple encountered some folks who weren’t just self-interested, they were pure Evil ~

On July 29th, a car driven by the ISIS members rammed the bikers. The men exited the van and began stabbing the bikers, killing Austin and Geoghegan, along with the other bikers.
ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack in a video featuring the killers posing with an ISIS flag and pledging allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. According to the New York Times, the men vowed to kill the “disbelievers.”


The world is a better place for optimistic idealists like this young couple. They do give us hope, always looking on the bright side, encouraging us to find the good in everyone.
But no amount of cheerful optimism can alter the reality that Evil that really does exist in the world. Much as we’d like to, we can’t wish it away. Instead we must face it unflinchingly, and courageously stand against it.

No, perception is NOT reality
When feelings overrule reality
Death By Entitlement ~ Bruce Bawer at PJMedia a slightly more cynical take on this avoidable tragedy

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