Dear Darwin, explain this please

Charles Darwin – and many of his contemporaries (his cousin Francis Galton, and Ernst Haeckel among them) – were not exactly objective scientific observers. These men were materialists who were – at best – agnostic on matters of faith; at worst – openly hostile to religion.
Their fervent hope was that transmutation (as the theory that would become evolution was originally known) would validate their lack of belief in a Creator. So they couldn’t help but discover proof in their observations that really wasn’t there.
Haeckel was so enthusiastic about evolution he was unable to restrain himself from doctoring the actual evidence ~

Despite the wreckage wrought via this godless worldview, the deceptive dogma still remains stubbornly rooted in the progressive movement. And Darwin’s devotees today are still looking at the evidence and trying to make it fit their broken theory. It must be awfully frustrating for them when every new discovery about our universe – from the vastness of the cosmos to the intricacy of living cells – contradicts evolution and proclaims intelligent design.


So here is a challenge for all those ardent Darwinists out there, how did THIS evolve? ~

We brush it, cut it, curl it, straighten it, shave it, gel it, spike it, and dye it, but have we ever really stopped and thought about it?
The hair found on our heads, and pretty much everywhere else on our bodies except our palms and soles, is incredibly complex. Not that that should surprise us—the more we look the more we realize everything about us is complex!


Video via The Creation Club

What exactly are the odds of blind chance coming up with hair? Did evolution somehow know mammals would need hair? How did the intricate growth process spontaneously develop? … Please Chuck. Give it up!

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