Saturday Shorts – 7-14-18


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:


Christian Doctor Prohibited From Serving as Disability Assessor for Declining to Refer to Patients by Gender Identity ~ Telling the truth is now longer allowed in the U.K. ~

Dr. David Mackereth, 55, has worked as an emergency room doctor for the National Health Service (NHS) for 26 years, and recently sought to serve as a disability assessor for the DWP. His job would have entailed interviewing those who desired to obtain disability benefits and submitting reports about their health […]
“I don’t think I should be compelled to use a specific pronoun,” he told The Daily Mail. “I am not setting out to upset anyone, but if upsetting someone can lead to doctors being sacked, then as a society, we have to examine where we are going.”
“Firstly, we are not allowed to say what we believe. Secondly, as my case shows, we are not allowed to think what we believe. Finally, we are not allowed to defend what we believe,” Mackereth lamented.

Catholic Bishop: Europe Migrant Crisis ‘Orchestrated’ by International Powers ~ Bishop Athanasius Schneider (Astana, Kazakhstan) is one of the few fearless bishops left in the church ~

(T)he current migrant crisis “represents a plan orchestrated and prepared for a long time by international powers to radically alter the Christian and national identity of the peoples of Europe.”
To achieve their objectives, these powers abuse “the true concept of humanism and even the Christian commandment of charity,” Schneider said, exploiting the moral authority of the church for anti-Christian purposes.


Meanwhile, the hijrah rolls on ~ British report: 700,000 migrants piling up in Libya waiting for their chance to jump to Europe ~

So where are these impoverished people from all over Africa and the Middle East (Central America too!) getting gobs of cash to pay traffickers?
Where are the investigators trying to find that answer because that answer, whatever it is, could potentially bring down the whole scam.

The feds didn’t save the long-nosed bat, hummingbird feeders did! ~ It takes a ton of tenacity to get the government to face reality when it comes to the Endangered Species List. But happily in this case, persistence paid off –

(B)ecause endangered species enforcement threatened important economic activities (especially ranching, but also tequila production), several citizen groups were organized to monitor hummingbird feeders at night. In turn, that created an opportunity to capture and tag bats, so that researchers could find out where they were roosting. That led to the discovery of many more roosting sites, and a conclusion that there were far more bats than originally thought.


Students for Justice in Palestine Claims ‘Progress Impossible So Long as Israel Exists’ ~ This was at the University of California, Davis last week 😯 So much for coexistence ~

“The goal of Palestinian resistance is not to establish ‘love’ with those who are responsible for the suffering of the Palestinian people,” the group said in an article published by the student paper California Aggie.
Rather, the essay said, “it is to completely dismantle those forces at play.”


Police Chiefs Say Canada Is Not Ready For Pot-Impaired Drivers ~ Who is? Marijuana will be legal in Canada in October ~

The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police… does not believe it can possibly achieve its objective of seeing 2,000 police officers trained to detect drivers under the influence of cannabis — a drug that is not detected in the bloodstream but in the fatty tissues.

Mark Levin: Democrats don’t want a Supreme Court — they want a ‘politburo’ to impose their agenda ~ SCOTUS’ job is to determine whether laws are constitutional. Period. ~

“The key is to pick a constitutionalist,” Levin said. “Not a leftist, not a rightist — a constitutionalist. And you assume and hope that a constitutionalist will do the right thing … whatever the issue is.”


Nigeria’s Fulani Jihadis Grow Deadlier than Boko Haram ~ These murdering savages need to be stopped!

The group carried out massacres across nearly a dozen villages in Nigeria’s Christian-majority Plateau state over the weekend of June 23-24, killing over 200. The estimated number of farmers who have been killed by Fulani terrorists so far this year varies between 1,750 and 6,000, including women and children.

Kyle Kashuv, Parkland Survivor Turned Conservative Activist, on Gun Rights and Free Speech ~ The mainstreams can’t get enough of young gun-banner David Hogg; they’re not too interested in his classmate’s views ~

“I’ve had personal experience with this,” said Kashuv. “I mean, people have completely tried to shun me and silence me on my high school campus. It’s hard for conservatives to voice their support for the Second Amendment, in general and at Douglas, and I see how important it is to make sure we have free speech.”

Dems Who Introduced ‘Abolish ICE’ Bill Now Say They’ll Vote Against It ~ Calling out radical leftists’ hyperbole seem to work -the Right needs to do it more often!

Several of the (Republican) lawmakers who introduced the bill now say they will vote “no” if it comes up for a vote. In truth, the proposal to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency was never serious and was simply an exercise in tossing raw meat to their rabid, far-left base.
But Republicans have called them out for their political stupidity and they are backtracking as fast as they can.

Maine Governor Vetoes Ban On Therapy For Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction ~ Sanity reigns, at least temporarily…

Maine Republican Gov. Paul LePage defied LGBT activists by vetoing a bill that would have banned therapists from counseling people with unwanted same-sex attraction, arguing it was “too broad.”
The Left defines it as “conversion therapy” or “reparative therapy,” but that’s a smear. All such therapy does is provide an avenue for men and women who do not wish to have same-sex attraction to seek the treatment they desire. In an era where words like “choice” are thrown around in support of any cause, bans on such therapies are clearly an affront to people’s free choice.

The all time record high temperatures for Los Angeles are the result of a faulty weather stations and should be disqualified ~ Last week even Bette Midler was whining about the heat in LA. Global warming of course — except it’s not, as Anthony Watts (Watts Up With That?) explains ~

Every “all time high” reported by the LA Times is from a station compromised by heat sources and heat sinks. In my opinion, the data from these stations is worthless.

Hey Bette! Newsflash ~ ‘Father of Global Warming’ Scientist Finally Admits Theory Is Wrong ~

According to (former NASA scientist, James Hansen), Al Gore took the data provided in a “worst-case scenario” and intentionally twisted it, rebranding it as “Global Warming,” making tens of millions of dollars in the process.
The model was titled “Scenario B” and was one of many provided to Congress by Hansen, however it left out significant factors meaning it didn’t reflect real-world conditions. This didn’t stop Al Gore and climate alarmists using the data to mislead millions of people all over the world.
However a new study that compares real-world data to the original Scenario B model — finding no correlation — has received Hansen’s backing, with the “Father of global warming” admitting he is “devastated” by the way his data has been used by climate alarmists.

Trump White House Has Smaller Staff, Spends Less on Salaries Than Obama White House ~ We call this good stewardship, a concept that’s foreign to most leftists ~

“Although the White House personnel budget is an infinitesimal part of the $3.9 trillion federal budget, it is an important forecasting indicator showing Trump’s deep commitment to cut the size, scope and power of the federal government and reign in waste,” wrote Adam Andrzejewski, CEO of Open the Books, in an op-ed for Forbes.
As of June 30, 2018, the White House currently employs 374 people, three fewer than were employed in 2017. It’s also significantly lower than the 469 that were employed in 2010 by then President Barack Obama.

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