Planned Parenthood’s routine cover-up of abuse and sex-trafficking

It’s not bad enough that Planned Parenthood established quotas for the number of abortions each of their centers performs. Or that the organization was caught peddling fetal body parts. Or that they actively promote sexual activity for young teens with targeted marketing campaigns. Now, a report from Live Action has documented systematic cover-up of sexual abuse of vulnerable young women – including minors as young as twelve!



So how does this egregious behavior square with the pro-choice claims that abortion empowers women? Reagan McCarthy, writing at Townhall, points out the clear hypocrisy ~

Planned Parenthood repeatedly tells everyone to #TrustWomen who report sexual assault and abuse, but turned a blind eye to girls as young as 12 and 13 years old who confided in Planned Parenthood workers about abuse instances.

This look-the-other way attitude isn’t just amoral on its face, it’s against the law, as the Live Action report explains ~

It is important to note that Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest recipient of federal Title X family planning funds, securing about $60 million a year from taxpayers. In 2015, 474 of Planned Parenthood’s nearly 650 facilities were Title X recipients, according to the Guttmacher Institute.
Since 1999, federal regulations have explicitly stated that Title X recipients are not exempt from state laws mandating the reporting of suspected child sexual abuse, rape, and incest. Planned Parenthood’s willful failures to report such abuse are cause for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which administers Title X, to investigate how widespread these failures are and whether other violations at Planned Parenthood have been covered up.


On the bright side, someone in government is finally paying attention. Just today, fifty-six members of Congress today called for just such an investigation ~

“Abortion is not family planning; It is family destruction,” said Rep. Diane Black (R-TN).
“The lies that are coming from the Big Abortion Industry are just heartbreaking,” Black continued. “Live Action’s findings show us that these same lies are used to willfully neglect reporting these horrific cases of abuse, rape, and sex trafficking.


So maybe we’ll finally be able to expose the true nature of the abortion industry, and get their young victims the help they need.


In the meantime, because we finally seem to have a pro-life president in the White House, the abortion giant is starting an aggressive smear campaign ~ Planned Parenthood launches “Tracking Trump.”
PP obviously doesn’t agree with President Trump’s assertion that “We cherish the sacred dignity of every human life.” And they’re distraught over his numerous pro-life accomplishments ~

• He was the first sitting president ever to address the March for Life, one year after he asked his vice president, Mike Pence, to address the event.
• He has given states the option to deny Planned Parenthood access to Medicaid and other federal grant money because the organization uses that money to facilitate their abortion business
• He restored, and expanded, the Mexico City policy, which prevents $9 billion in foreign aid from being used for overseas abortions.
• He also cut off American funding for the U.N. Population Fund, which colludes with China’s cruel program of forced abortion and sterilization.


In their new offensive, Planned Parenthood claims they’re uncovering the facts because President Trump is taking away our reproductive rights, freedoms, and opportunities ~

According to the abortion organization’s website, President Trump controls women, immigrants, the LGBTQ community and low-income earners. Vice President Mike Pence controls health care, civil rights and discrimination laws, the organization posits. Planned Parenthood lists a number of other officials within the Trump administration along with the items they control, pointing only to the controls the abortion group considers deleterious to women rather than providing a comprehensive list.


Can you think of anything more consistently dehumanizing and deleterious to women than the abortion industry?

Planned Parenthood Is A Rapist’s Best Friend ~ Video from Matt Walsh
Planned Parenthood targets teen girls with ‘sex is hot’ ads on Facebook ~ Marketing amorality ~

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is promoting a petition against abstinence education. One features a picture of a condom on a banana, while the other declares that “Sex is hot – bad sex ed is not.”
Other ads in the series feature the recurring tagline, “Having sex? You deserve sex ed!” The analytical data for the ads reveals that the overwhelming majority of the people seeing them are girls, and that the ads are reaching children as young as age thirteen.


The gruesome truth about Planned Parenthood

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