The latest Gaza grievance march

Here they go again ➡ Palestinians: A March to Destroy Israel ~

On March 30, an attempt by tens of thousands of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to infiltrate the border with Israel launched a six-week campaign of mass protests — called the “March of Return” — organized by Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other radical Palestinian groups.

Now of course the mainstreams and other assorted leftists regularly frame Israel as the villain in this ongoing conflict. They look at a map of the Gaza Strip and lament the woeful state of the poor, perennial refugees, helplessly trapped on a small piece of land by a ruthless Zionist regime. It’s a narrative that might be plausible – if it had any basis at all in reality.


This detailed historical account of the Palestinian Refugee situation provides some key background facts:

• Israel didn’t expel any Arabs. They fled on their own, shortly after the UN partition resolution was adopted in 1947.
• By the end of January1948, the exodus was so alarming the Palestine Arab Higher Committee asked neighboring Arab countries to refuse visas to these refugees and to seal the borders against them.
• Meanwhile, Jewish leaders urged the Arabs to remain in Palestine and become citizens of Israel.
• It was the Arab leaders themselves, overconfident in their ability to defeat the Israelis, who encouraged – in some cases ordered – them to leave ~

“This wholesale exodus was due partly to the belief of the Arabs, encouraged by the boastings of an unrealistic Arabic press and the irresponsible utterances of some of the Arab leaders that it could be only a matter of weeks before the Jews were defeated by the armies of the Arab States and the Palestinian Arabs enabled to re¬enter and retake possession of their country.” ~ Secretary of the Arab League Office in London, Edward Atiyah, in his book, The Arabs


• In 1949, after the War of Independence, the number of refugees was estimated at 500,000 to 700,000.
• Neighboring Arab countries (other than Jordan) refused to allow them in ~

After the 1948 war, Egypt controlled the Gaza Strip and its more than 200,000 inhabitants, but refused to allow the Palestinians into Egypt or permit them to move elsewhere.
Although demographic figures indicated ample room for settlement existed in Syria, Damascus refused to consider accepting any refugees, except those who might refuse repatriation. Syria also declined to resettle 85,000 refugees in 1952-54, though it had been offered international funds to pay for the project. Iraq was also expected to accept a large number of refugees, but proved unwilling. Lebanon insisted it had no room for the Palestinians. In 1950, the UN tried to resettle 150,000 refugees from Gaza in Libya, but was rebuffed by Egypt.


• Considering it’s been 70 years now, it’s likely that the majority of the original “Palestinians” have since passed on. Amazingly their ranks have swelled X 10. Today’s estimate is well over 5,000,000.
• In 2005, Israel removed all of its settlers in Gaza and turned over the territory to the Palestinian Authority. The move backfired when Hamas staged a bloody coup to expel the Palestinian Authority in 2007 and transformed Gaza into a terrorist base for destroying Israel.
• Over the years, any attempt at compromise on the part of the Israelis has been flat out rejected – because the Palestinian Authority refuses to recognize Israel’s fundamental right to exist.

And that’s actually the impetus behind this latest protest. According to organizers, the real purpose behind the “March of Return” is that it marks the beginning of…

“… the liberation of all of Palestine, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River.” In other words, the Palestinians were told that infiltrating the border with Israel would be the first step toward destroying Israel.

In addition, two of the Hamas members involved in leading the demonstrations, Ismail Haniyeh and Yehya Sinwar, made it clear that ~

(T)he “March of Return” had another goal: to foil any attempt by the Arabs to make peace or normalize their relations with Israel.

GazagrievanceQte2How do rational people negotiate with that?

Although the left is pretending that the poor beleaguered “Palestinians” are the victims here, that they’re protesting living conditions, pleading for solutions to the “humanitarian” and “economic” crises in the Gaza Strip, etc., it’s just a ruse – as it always has been.

Oh, there’s no denying the living conditions in Gaza are abysmal for most of the occupants. But that is no fault of the West or Israel. For decades now, Palestine’s “refugees” have been the world’s number one charity case – via the UN.
By far the costliest scam is the UN’s UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency -for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) program. The original purpose was humanitarian; to provide jobs on public works projects, along with healthcare, education, and relief and social services to refugees. Could those responsible for the program’s creation have possibly imagined it would still be in place seven decades later?
Noah Pollack at The Washington Free Beacon explains UNRWA’s devolution ~

This UN bureaucracy was established in 1950 after Israel’s War of Independence, when a coalition of Arab states failed to wipe the new nation off the map. The war the Arabs started but lost created around 650,000 Arab refugees. These refugees were then exploited by the UN and the Arab states, which realized they could be used as pawns in the permanent war on Israel’s legitimacy […]
As the number of fake refugees increases, so does UNRWA’s budget, which today is well north of $1 billion a year.

As ususal, we’re the biggest chumps of all ~

Since the beginning the United States has donated close to $6 billion in total, and is (by far) UNRWA’s single biggest donor at around $400 million a year. The United States is contributing to the cruel exploitation of millions of Palestinians, who are raised in dependency, grievance, and victimhood, and taught in UNRWA schools and community centers to believe in the fantasy of Israel’s destruction and their “return” to homes they never had.


With that kind of cash rolling in, is it any wonder that the Palestinian Authority has been essentially holding the refugees hostage all this time? After all, they’ve got tunnels to build ~

Seriously. Despite the fact that Hamas is designated as a “terrorist entity” by most of the nations that fund UNRWA, they’re the ones distributing the money! And because the UN doesn’t require any accountability from the Palestinians, the program is rife with fraud, waste and abuse. Not to mention diversion of funds for nefarious purposes – like smuggling tunnels. And rockets to blow up Israelis.



This one picture tells you everything you need to know about the latest unrest in the Gaza strip. Where else in the world could a defiant, unarmed woman shriek directly in the face of an armed-to-the-teeth soldier, knowing he wouldn’t lay a finger on her?
This woman has been brainwashed for her entire life by the terror organizations that run the show in Gaza. Despite the reality right in front of her, she believes that Israel is the root of all evil.
And yet it’s Israel, more than the surrounding Arab nations, that has really done the most to try and aid the people living there (without, understandably, jeopardizing their own safety). They’ve certainly been more accomodating than Egypt, Gaza’s neighbor to the south ~

In 2017, the Rafah border crossing between Egypt and the Gaza Strip (see map) was open altogether for less than 30 days; by contrast, the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip was open for more than 280 days during the same year.
Israel enforces a naval blockade on the Gaza Strip that is meant to prevent Iran, Hezbollah and other terror parties from smuggling weapons into the coastal enclave controlled by Hamas. At the same time, Israel has kept its border crossings with Gaza for the movement of goods and individuals […]
Egypt also continues to bar foreigners from entering the Gaza Strip through the Rafah terminal. Even Arabs who want to help the people of the Gaza Strip are forced to enter through the Erez border crossing because the Egyptians do not give them permission to use the Rafah terminal.

Furthermore, the woman above would never dare hurl insults into the face of an Egyptian soldier ~

The Palestinians know that messing with the Egyptian army will cost them a heavy price. If Israel used snipers to stop the March 30 protesters from crossing the border, the Egyptian response would undoubtedly have been much tougher. The Egyptians would have used artillery and warplanes against the Palestinian demonstrators. The Palestinians are well aware that the Egyptian army would raze the entire Gaza Strip if the Palestinians breached the border and undermined Egypt’s national security.


Israel’s border security is in place to ensure the continued existence of Israel. They face an existential threat not just from the terrorists in Gaza but from several of their anti-Semitic neighbors (notably Iran) who refuse to recognize an Israeli state and have stated their intentions to destroy all the Jews.
This Palestinian “March of Return” is a thinly disguised invasion. Israel is well within her rights as a sovereign nation to treat is as such.
Free the Palestinians: End UNRWA funding ~ In this opinion piece at The Hill, Shoshana Bryen explains how the Palestinian population is imprisoned by the United Nations and its own unrealistic vision of the future ~

UNRWA is a huge impediment to actionable understanding in the Arab world – and particularly among Palestinians – that Israel is a legitimate and permanent part of the Middle East. Making Israel real to people who delude themselves on that point is key to honest negotiations about the future of a Palestinian state.

News flash: Hamas terrorists aren’t interested in peace
Hamas-Israel Conflict – a Primer for Slow Learners
PHOTOS: Most Palestinians killed at Gaza border clash were terrorists
Israel Says It Will Expand Response if Gaza ‘Terror’ Drags On

How Trump Can Cut Aid to a Horrible U.N. Program ~ In January the president did cut 1/2 of our scheduled contribution to UNRWA; definitely a step in the right direction ~

Last year, U.S. taxpayers provided about 30% of the agency’s annual budget (about $360 million of $1.24 billion).

PA slams Nikki Haley as ‘ambassador of hatred’ after she blocks anti-Israel move ~ Last week Nikki Haley, our ambassador to the UN, blocked a ridiculous resolution condemning Israel – for essentially defending their borders. Predictably, all the usual suspects went ballistic.
Thank God, we finally have a voice of sanity at the UN again to thwart the universal condemnation of every action Israel take to protect their country from jihadists.
Pallywood: A History ~ The phenomenon whereby the “Palestinians” create and disseminate propaganda to elicit sympathy and support for their cause

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