“Former felon” now a resume enhancement for blue city mayoral candidates?

Blue city citizens just don’t seem to get it. They have a front row to the destruction wrought by Democrat/progressive policies and somehow they think lowering the standards for elected officials will help ~ Half of Detroit’s 8 mayoral candidates are… felons 😯 ~

Detroit — Half of the eight mayoral hopefuls on Detroit’s primary ballot next week have been convicted of felony crimes involving drugs, assault or weapons, a Detroit News analysis shows.
Three were charged with gun crimes and two for assault with intent to commit murder. Some of the offenses date back decades, the earliest to 1977. The most recent was in 2008.


Stuck on “stupid?”

Commenting on this recent revelation, Andrew Malcolm points out some sad truths about many blue towns ~

Democrats run two-thirds of the United States’ 100 largest cities, including New York, Los Angeles and, of course, Chicago. All are experiencing serious problems and with the turn-of-the-century two-term exceptions of New York under Rudy Giuliani and Richard Riordan in LA, enduring long periods of one-party control.

It’s been 55 years since Detroit elected a Republican mayor, just about the length of Detroit’s decline, as it plummeted from the nation’s automotive capital and one of the top 10 cities. Billions have been spent trying to renew the people and place.
Four years ago with an estimated $20 billion in debts, Detroit declared the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. That same year Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick began his 28-year prison sentence with no chance of parole for corruption and perjury.
It’s been a tough political road for America’s big cities under one-party rule that prohibits political cleansing. Chicago hasn’t had a Republican mayor in 86 years.

Here in Michigan it’s not just the big city that’s in trouble. Flint installed a scofflaw city council not long before their infamous water crisis ~

As the city decays, it seems Flint’s discerning voters have developed an affinity for criminals. Last month (Nov. 2013) they elected to city council two convicted felons, and two others with bankruptcies. Sad but true.

And our state capital isn’t far behind Detroit in fielding felonious mayoral hopefuls ~ Another Lansing mayoral candidate charged with felony assault ~

6-21-17 – Daniel Anthony Trevino, 20, was arraigned Tuesday in Lansing’s 54A District Court on felony assault and misdemeanor domestic violence charges. He also faces two charges for destruction of property […]
Trevino’s father, Daniel Dario Trevino, had planned to run in the race but told the State Journal he decided not to because he was convicted of a felony in 2002, which prohibits him from holding elected office.
The elder Trevino owns Hydroworld, a medical marijuana dispensary at 3308 S. Cedar St. […]
Another Lansing mayoral candidate, former city council president Harold Leeman Jr., is currently awaiting trial on a felony embezzlement charge. Officials say Leeman failed to turn in proceeds from a concession stand at Lansing’s Gier Park and reimbursed himself for too much gas.

Stellar candidates aren’t they?


At one time, most states prohibited anyone ever convicted of a felony from voting. Oddly enough, Americans actually believed that if you were demonstrating poor judgement by breaking the law that irresponsible attitude would probably carry over into the voting booth, and we would eventually end up with critically flawed elected officials. What a crazy concept.

Democrats, realizing that missing out on the felon vote put them at a serious disadvantage, have consistently pushed for this restriction to be removed. In characteristic Orwellian fashion, they refer to the common sense prohibition as “felony disenfranchisement.” (Don’t bother pointing out that it was self-disenfranchisement.)
Unfortunately for we-the-law-abiding, most of the country now allows felons to vote in some capacity, including the Great Lakes State. As the Law Offices of Barton Morris helpfully point out for the civic-minded ex-con here in Michigan ~

In Michigan a felon has an absolute right to vote except when they are incarcerated in jail a or prison at the time of the election. There are no election booths in jail. Despite Michigan law, many felons believe they have lost their right to vote so they don’t do it. A felon’s vote counts as much as anyones. If given a chance, encourages [sic] felons to vote in our elections.


So while they can’t lawfully own a firearm, carry a concealed weapon, join the military, own a liquor license or obtain a gaming license, as we know now – in Michigan felons can vote AND… they can definitely run for office. Hey, let’s make those cities great again!
Mayoral candidate arrested twice in last 60 days ~ A lack of character in prospective officer-holders is certainly not limited to the state of Michigan. This story is from Fayetteville, NC.

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