
Chronologically defined they’re the Millennial Generation. But perhaps the other nickname for many of today’s young adults – the recently-coined term “Snowflakes” – is more reflective of their true character. To be fair, not all millennials fall into the flake category, but they do represent a significant portion of this demographic group (Oddly enough, the college-educated are more likely to be flakes than not – most probably due to their reality-free environments).
pajamaboyonlyI mean honestly, don’t a large percentage of today’s young people seem to be rather, er… wimpy, weak, unable to cope with any sort of hardship? Stand them up next to the “Greatest Generation” and try to imagine any of them – like this guy for instance, ➡
struggling through the 1930’s Depression… sacrificing for the war effort… storming the beaches of Normandy?! Good grief.

Whoever came up with the nickname for these fragile kids was right on target. They’re thin-skinned, easily “triggered” by words and phrases that they find personally offensive (Apparently no one ever taught them the old “Sticks and Stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me” rhyme.), and they melt under pressure. The poor dears have been coddled, discouraged from taking too many risks and handed “participation” trophies just for showing up, at every turn in lives.


In other words, most millennials are severely ill-equipped to weather the rough patches of life. We didn’t need a special study to confirm that this is not a good thing – for them individually – or for society in general, nevertheless, we now have one from Case Western Reserve University ~

By shielding students from conflict, universities may not be working in students’ best interest, say some psychologists.

Fear of confronting the tensions and conflicts brought on by existential concerns—the “big questions” of life—is linked with poorer mental health, including higher levels of depression, anxiety and difficulty regulating emotions, according to a new Case Western Reserve University study.
“Religious and spiritual struggles—conflicts with God or religious people, tough questions about faith, morality, and the meaning of life—these are often taboo topics, and the temptation to push them away is strong,” said Julie Exline, professor of psychological sciences at Case Western Reserve and co-author of the research.
“When people avoid these struggles, anxiety and depression tend to be more intense than if they faced these struggles head-on.”



Creation-Evolution-Headlines offers some helpful advice for young people in ~ Don’t Be a Snowflake ~

God knows what He is doing by bringing discouragement, discomfort, and pain into our lives sometimes. According to Hebrews 12:4–13, God trains us like a loving father, chastening us for our good. He makes us strong, able to take some heat without melting.


And of course if all else fails, there’s the adopt-a-millennial option 😀 ~


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3 Responses to Snowflakery

  1. Pingback: Please do your part to “save the snowflakes” | Designs on the Truth

  2. Pingback: Some sage advice for grads | Designs on the Truth

  3. Pingback: THIS is why America is doomed | Designs on the Truth

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