Whatever shall we tell the children?

Among the many laments on social media in the wake of Trump’s victory last night, one of the most pathetic is “what will we tell the children?” To which I reply, are you kidding me? You could start with the truth!
If you voted for Hillary you should apologize. If not, try telling your children what I’ll tell mine ➡

Kids, this was by far the least appealing presidential election we’ve ever voted in. Unfortunately, we had two very flawed candidates to choose from.
One was a very wealthy, successful businessman whose moral standards weren’t stellar and who wasn’t above using cutthroat tactics to get what he wanted. He’s bombastic, abrasive and somewhat of a loose canon ( – we have much higher standards for you of course :) ). But Mr. Trump seems to understand and support the things that made America unique; limited government, freedom, liberty and equal opportunity for all.

On the other hand, we had a cold-hearted woman who let four Americans die in Benghazi, Libya and allowed Russia to acquire rights to 20% of the U.S. uranium supply! A former U.S. senator who knowingly, illegally installed a internet server at her private residence, exposing highly classified information to hackers.
Mrs. Clinton is also a former secretary of state who has spent her entire political career in relentless pursuit of ever more power, totally unscrupulous, willing to trade national security secrets and political favors to achieve her ambitions.

Dear children, we couldn’t vote for a mother who supports partial-birth abortion, weak national security in the form of open borders, and
men in womens rooms. We want much better for you!

We want you to grow up to be God-fearing, responsible and caring individuals. We want you to understand that we are your parents – don’t expect the government to fulfill that role. If you become dependent on the government for everything, you’ll surrender your freedom to control your own destiny.

Kids, just like we expect you to do your school homework, we did our homework on the presidential candidates. And, while we aren’t 100% sure of what we’re getting with Donald Trump, we know exactly what a Hillary Clinton presidency would have meant. Had she been elected America would have drifted even further from the original vision of the founders.


Donald J. Trump is far from perfect. But if we hope to reinstate the Constitution, restore the rule of law and help stop the Supreme Court from legislating from the bench, he was the clear choice.


We wanted the best shot at leaving you a country that was at least as prosperous, secure and free as the one we inherited from our parents. So we voted for Donald Trump.
Love, Mom & Dad

There, that wasn’t so hard was it?

Here are some additional resources ~
Why I Will Vote for Donald Trump
If Hillary Wins, If Trump Wins
Voters Reject Progressive Agenda, Rightward Shift Historic [Hat-tip: gbarnie]

Talk about “Deplorable!”

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