Clinton Corruption Reaches Epic Proportions – Borderline Treason

Here’s the shorthand version of the latest – and by far the worst to date – edition of the Hill & Bill Corruption Files. Since Hot Air provided such a nice concise recap of the debacle, I’m posting it pretty much verbatim – just added a couple links for the curious ~

Nutshell version: Bill Clinton helped out Kazakhstan’s dictator (Kanye West likes Nazarbayev too) with some propaganda at home 10 years ago in exchange for Clinton Foundation board member Frank Giustra being allowed to purchase uranium interests inside that country.
Giustra’s company got rich and made a correspondingly rich donation to the Foundation. The company ended up merging with another company to form Uranium One, which began buying up uranium interests inside the U.S.
Eventually the stakeholders in Uranium One wanted to make a bigger score by selling the company to — ta da — Russia, but they knew a deal like that would need to be approved by top officials of the federal government, including … the Secretary of State. So they dropped another pile of cash (ultimately, tens of millions!) on the Clinton Foundation and the deal was approved. (See why Hillary might have been keen to have that private e-mail server of hers wiped?)
And now a huge chunk of America’s uranium supply (up to half?! -See video below) is controlled by Vladimir Putin, one of Iran’s chief nuclear suppliers. The uranium in your soil may eventually end up in an Iranian enrichment facility, thanks to a crook who’s running to be commander-in-chief of the U.S. military.

Here’s Fox News with an excellent synopsis of the breaking story this morning ~

Allahpundit at Hot Air: Pay special attention here at around 5:20 (It’s actually around 3:20. This is an edited video – original “disappeared”), when NYT reporter Jo Becker recalls asking Bill Clinton’s spokesman if he’d ever had Kazakh officials over to his home to discuss them purchasing an interest in Westinghouse. No way, said the spokesman. I’ve seen a photo of Bill with the Kazakhs at his home, replied Becker. Oops, said the spokesman.
That story was first reported in the 2008 (article) linked above but watching Becker tell it here, in the context of so much other smelly Clinton self-enriching filth, is really the cherry on top of this sh*t sundae.

Sleep well.

“Clinton Cash” ~ by Peter Schweizer
Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal ~ this morning’s NYT story by JO Becker and Mike McIntire
Here comes Hillary! ~ Scandalicious :mrgreen:

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