Preventing the next Brussels

islamprotest-london-smlrNews flash: The Washington D.C. oligarchy and their European counterparts aren’t going to stop the next Brussels. On the contrary, Europe’s leaders have actually enabled the creation of Eurabia – the wishes of their native populations be damned.
On the day of the Islamist terror attacks last week M.G. Oprea at the Federalist was asking the same question so many others had ~

How is it that in a prosperous European country there can be enough support within the Muslim community for a man who had pledged his allegiance to ISIS, has already successfully completed one terrorist attack and is planning others, to be protected and aided?
The answer is that this is a problem of Europe’s own creating—and it’s not going away. Beginning in the post-World War II era, Europe was in need of workers to pad its depleted work force. A natural place to look was North Africa, in former colonies of Spain and France. While it was assumed that migration would be short-term, the reality is that the men who came to work stayed, and later brought over their families. Europe made no plan for how to house and assimilate these families […]
More to the point, Europe was uncomfortable asking its Muslim communities to assimilate. European leaders felt that would be too reminiscent of the colonial era. Their guilt and newfound “enlightenment” guided them to leave these people to their communities, culture, and religion.

They created a monster – but they have no intention of destroying it. Just look at the mass immigration invasion that Europe’s leaders actually encouraged last year.
While it’s difficult to fully envision their end game, by allowing this terrorism to continue, the ruling class seems to be almost deliberately engineering social unrest, which will precipitate the need for ever more state control and power.
Since all we get from our respective governments after terrorist attacks like Brussels’ are more accusations of “Islamaphobia,” it’s up to we-the-thinking (as Thayrone says) to help educate our fellow citizens. Forward the following video from David Wood to everyone in your sphere of influence who could use some Islam-awareness.
To paraphrase an old public service announcement from ages ago (promoting seatbelt usage?), the life you save may be your own…

Europe: Importing an Islamic pathology
Barbarians trash Calais

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