Saturday Shorts – 8-29-15


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

British MI-5 Files Reveal Another Cold War Soviet Agent ~ Another communist who claimed to be a victim of “McCarthyism” was exactly the traitor he was believed to be. It’s taken over half a century, but the truth is gradually coming out. McCarthy may have been overzealous but he wasn’t exaggerating the threat of communism.

Apple and Google Pour Billions Down a Green Drain ~ If Apple wasn’t buying into the phony global warming scam, your iphone would be a whole lot cheaper. Instead, both Apple and Google are spending billions to combat an imaginary foe ~

There is no empirical evidence that human emissions have a measureable influence on Earth’s climate. All of the green measures by global business will have a negligible effect on global temperatures.

Speaking of the internet leviathan ~ How Google Can Rig Everything in Washington, D.C. – and Around the World ~ Are we trapped in a Google matrix? It’s easy to see how the low-info crowd can get sucked into digital manipulation. Disconcerting to say the least…

The IKEA Murders: Sweden in Crisis ~ Average Swedes are fearful of losing their country to radical Islam; their elites are in denial or oblivious ~

Fear has now struck the Swedes. Even those who had routinely brand critics of immigration and multiculturalism racist, were shaken to the core. Questions flooded the social media: Who are these people that are let into Sweden? How many of them are not innocent victims of war, but in fact war criminals and other criminals, hiding among the refugees? And should we pay billions in taxes to support and shelter citizens of other countries, while some of them try to kill us?
The fact that the police refuse to deny the persistent rumor that one of the IKEA victims was beheaded, only adds fuel to the fear.

The Reason You Haven’t Heard More About The 177 Bikers Arrested In Waco ~ Not quite sure what to believe about this tragedy, but the lack of transparency on the part of law enforcement certainly isn’t helping.

The Bikers’ Point of View ~ From grief to frustration, bikers now have their own theories about what happened at the Waco Twin Peaks shooting. And occurrences like this just create more suspicion and distrust ~

(A) bomb threat forced about 75 bikers and supporters to disperse from in front of the McLennan County courthouse Saturday morning. The bikers had organized a memorial for the nine people killed at the Twin Peaks shooting in Waco three months ago, but the gathering was also supposed to serve as something of a rally for the 177 bikers arrested that day. But now, thanks to a suspicious cooler and a suitcase, the group dissolved.

(If these were #BlackLives instead of #BikerLives there would be riots in Waco by now.

Irony alert: Liberals furious over Bruce Jenner Halloween costumes ~ Proving yet again that leftists have no sense of humor ~

Exit question: If a boy wearing a Bruce Jenner Halloween costume is denied the right to enter a girl’s bathroom, will he have a viable lawsuit?

Two suicides are linked to Ashley Madison leak: Texas police chief takes his own life just days after his email is leaked in cheating website hack . Sad, but the wages of sin…
Of course some people aren’t particularly burdened with a conscience ~ Joe Biden’s Son Gets Caught with Ashley Madison Account: Claims America’s Enemies Created the Account ~ The more you lie, the easier it gets.
It Depends on What the Meaning of ‘Crazies’ Is ~ Rather than have a rational debate about his administration’s disastrous deal with Iran, our classy president chooses to call opponents names ~

He wants to disarm law-abiding Americans but entrust the Iranian Islamist theocracy to police itself on nuclear arms and subsidize its funding of global terrorism. But we’re the “crazies” […]
It gets old pointing out that Obama uses Saul Alinsky tactics to demonize conservatives and avoid defending his positions, but it’s true.
Instead of explaining why we’re wrong, he calls us nuts

These guys aren’t ~
Retired generals and admirals urge Congress to reject Iran nuclear deal ~ In stark contrast to the three dozen retired senior military officers who support the agreement, a group of nearly 200 retired brass is adamantly opposed ~

Many of the signatories served in the White House, under Democratic administrations as well as Republican. The only thing they appear to have in common is that they consider the Iran nuclear deal a threat to U.S. interests in the region and its own national security.


John Boehner Calls Ted Cruz A ‘Jackass’ At Fundraiser ~ Another class act, Boehner likes to call people names too, proving once more why he needs to be relieved of his speaker duties.

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