Democrats’ Racist Roots – a reminder


I originally posted the following piece in October 2012. But since the progressives still continue to peddle their phony version of American history, and because “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” (George Orwell), I decided it was time for a reprise ~


“I’ll have those n*ggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

~ Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One
(according Ronald Kessler’s Book, “Inside The White House”)



Some truths are so compelling that, once discovered, can dramatically shift one’s entire world view. Such was the case when Rev. Wayne Perryman, a black American and life-long Democrat, learned which political party really deserved the epithet “racist.”
Shortly after Bill Clinton was reelected in 1996, Perryman, a former newspaper publisher, radio talk-show host, and corporate employment relations consultant, accepted a challenge from some younger members of his church to explore the historical relationship between blacks and the Democrat Party.
What he discovered undermined everything he’d previously believed about race and politics. For example:
• In 1844 the Democrat Party platform defended slavery. Founded in 1854, the Republican Party was formed primarily to oppose slavery;
• It was Republicans who sponsored and ratified the 15th Amendment (1870) which gave blacks the right to vote; further legislation was required – and passed by Republicans – to guarantee that that right would be protected (Enforcement Act of 1870 and Force Act of 1871) from Democratic voter intimidation;
• After the Civil War, as a reparation for slavery, Sherman’s Bill, giving “40 acres and a mule” to every black family, was introduced and passed by a Republican Congress. It was vetoed by President Andrew Johnson – a Democrat;
• The Ku Klux Klan was formed in 1866 by… Democrats, who were threatened by the freedoms that blacks were finally being given; the KKK terrorized, beat and murdered blacks to intimidate them into not voting, or voting only for Democrats;
• The Democrat Party was the one that wanted the Arkansas National Guard to enforce segregation; President Dwight Eisenhower, a Republican, sent the 101st Airborne to integrate the schools;
• Democrats enthusiastically support Abortion and Planned Parenthood – A black child has a 50-percent chance of being aborted and, if born, a 70-percent chance of living in a single parent home ~

Planned Parenthood, who provides a third of our nation’s abortions, gets $300 million annually from the federal government that they use to set up in black neighborhoods to perpetuate this dismal reality.


After realizing the truth about the Democrat Party past and present, Perryman had this to say about them in his book “Unfounded Loyalty:”

From 1878 to 1930, the party used fraud, whippings, lynching, murder, intimidation, and mutilation to get their vote. In the 1930s and 1960s they switched from violence and intimidation to manipulation and voter’s registration.

During the 20th century Democrats shifted from overt racism to a more subtle version.
Today they’re the party of malcontents and empty promises; passing out ever more free stuff (healthcare, foodstamps, condoms, cell phones…) but never offering any hope of individual prosperity. Promoting dependence – not independence.
Once openly pro-slavery, Democrats continue to assure blacks and other minorities that they really aren’t capable of supporting themselves without government assistance…
They’re like bad parents who actually discourage their children from growing up and becoming responsible, productive citizens. In reality, their version of “HOPE” is pretty darn hopeLESS.
Spend some time at Star Parker’s website CURE to learn how blacks can and should escape the mindset of Uncle Sam’s Plantation.


“These laws [segregation] are still constitutional and I promise you that until they are removed from the ordinance books of Birmingham and the statute books of Alabama, they will be enforced in Birmingham to the utmost of my ability and by all lawful means.”

~ Democrat Bull Connor (1957),
Commissioner of Public Safety for Birmingham, Alabama


Update: 10-26-12

Obama’s father was a philandering, drunken Marxist. Mitt Romney’s, well, wasn’t: The Civil Rights Legacy of George Romney.



Reference: Unsung Davids by Ben Barrack. Very interesting, informative book; includes a chapter on Wayne Perryman.
A Rant on Supposed Racism ~ Historical truths
Life of a Black Julia ~ at Star Parker’s site. Funny – if it weren’t so darn sad. Tragically, large segments of our population – black and white – are conditioned to make bad lifestyle choices, and then to believe that they can’t survive without government assisting them through every phase of life.


June 24, 2015: Furthermore ~ this is how the slain Charleston pastor felt about the Confederate flag…

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