The pen IS mightier than the sword

… at least when it’s wielded by Chris Christie.
Throwing his not insubstantial weight around, with a stroke of his pen yesterday, Gov. Christie struck a major blow against religious freedom in New Jersey; NJ governor signs ban on gay conversion therapy.
In a purely political move – unmoored from reality – Christie has succumbed to the LGBT activists’ position that “reparative therapy” (therapy aimed at helping individuals overcome unwanted same-sex attraction) is somehow a frontal assault on the entire homosexual community. And by catering to the intolerance of the homosexual lobby Christie is telling gays they have to stay gay no matter what.

What an arrogant, ignorant totalitarian.
It’s apparently irrelevant that a major study has shown that changing sexual orientation is possible.
Or that ~

“This law will say to children and their parents that if you’ve been molested by the likes of a Jerry Sandusky and you begin having anger problems and develop unwanted same-sex sexual attractions, you’re not going to be able to seek the kind of counsel that you want. The counsel that you’ll receive is that this kind of reaction is natural, normal, and good – and you just need to go with it.”

~ Mat Staver – Liberty Counsel ~
Source: One News Now

Never mind all that. In New Jersey now, LGBT anger trumps transcendent truth. And the all-powerful state will now dictate personal choices and religious beliefs. (So much for separation of church & state.)
Ostensibly a Catholic, if Christie’s core belief system is so mutable, what else might we expect him to be “evolving” on? Sharia law? Hey, why not go Islamic fundamentalist and become a true totalitarian? [You’re not allowed to leave Islam alive either.]

I guess it’s safe to assume that Donnie McClurkin won’t be invited to perform at the New Jersey Governor’s Mansion anytime soon.
On a positive note, Liberty Counsel plans to file suit ~

The New Jersey governor is putting himself in every counseling room, dictating what kind of counseling clients can receive. This bill provides a slippery slope of government infringing upon the First Amendment rights of counselors to provide, and patients to receive, counseling consistent with their religious beliefs.

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2 Responses to The pen IS mightier than the sword

  1. Pingback: Saturday Shorts – (Sunday version) 9-6-15 | Designs on the Truth

  2. Pingback: Michigan church harassed by Gaystapo | Designs on the Truth

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