“Dinesh, you are like a brother to me”

Dinesh D’Souza, president of The Kings’ College and author of numerous books including “The Roots of Obama’s Rage,” and “Obama’s America: Unmaking the American Dream,” met Barack Obama’s half brother George in February, interviewing him for the just-released documentary “2016: Obama’s America.” George lives in Nairobi, Kenya and is the youngest of eight children that Barack Obama, Sr. had with his four different wives.


Dinesh D’Souza interviews George Obama, the President’s half-brother, in Kenya.

In an article published today at Fox News, Dinesh tells about a recent phone call he received from George. Seems his son was hospitalized with a chest condition and George needed $1000 for the medical bills ~

Since George was at the hospital I asked him to let me speak to a nurse, and she confirmed that George’s son was indeed ill. So I agreed to send George the money through Western Union. He was profusely grateful. But before I hung up I asked George, “Why are you coming to me?” He said, “I have no one else to ask.” Then he said something that astounded me, “Dinesh, you are like a brother to me.”

Let that sink in for a minute.
George Obama turns to a man he only recently met for help – instead of his own half brother – the president of the United States of America??!!

Obama’s refusal to help George is especially surprising because George doesn’t just live in American-style poverty but rather in Third World poverty. He lives in a shanty in the Huruma slum in Nairobi. He gets by on a few dollars a month. Obama also has an aunt named Hawa Auma, his father’s sister, who ekes out a living selling coal on the streets of a small village in Kenya. She says she would like to have her teeth fixed, but she cannot afford it. Obama hasn’t offered to help her either.

Dinesh admits that George may not be a choir-boy…

But so what? George may be a drinker and a skirt-chaser but, as becomes clear from his book, he is also a survivor. He has overcome his past as a gang-member and petty thief and now works as the organizer of a slum soccer league. He is trying to uplift himself, and he is trying to help slum kids aspire to a better life.

Barack Obama has the audacity to admonish the rest of us to be “our brother’s keeper???” ~

Here is a man who demands that others pay higher taxes to help the poor—even poor people who are not related to them—while Obama himself refuses to help a close relative like George.

Be sure to read the whole article HERE. If this episode doesn’t demonstrate what a world-class hypocrite President Barack Obama is, nothing will!

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  1. Pingback: The arbitrary “justice” of “Obama’s America” | Designs on the Truth

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