“The dying Christian civilization at the tip of Africa”

UPDATE 7-27-12:

Genocide Watch Issues Alert: South Africa In Early Stages Of White Genocide [Warning – very graphic photos]
White-minority rule in South Africa ended in 1994, eighteen years ago. Unbelievably, since that time, more than 3,000 white farmers and their family members have been murdered by blacks. In the last 7 years alone there have been more than 9400 attacks on farms.
Currently, white farmers in South Africa are the most targeted population for racially motivated violence in the entire world.

Below is a shocking video that provides a sobering look at this ongoing tragedy:

Farm killings have increased since Julius Malema – leader of the ANC [African National Congress] Youth League – has started singing the banned song “Kill the Boer, Kill the Farmer.”


Warning: contains sensitive and very graphic material.


World Net Daily is one of the few media sources that has regularly reported on this story. Last summer they featured a story by Ilana Mercer, a native of South Africa, who was offering a preemptive rebuttal to the media spin likely to arise from the First Lady’s pending trip to that country: Don’t believe Michelle Obama ~

It is essential that we curb the naïve enthusiasm among American elites, and those they’ve gulled, for radical, imposed, top-down transformations of relatively stable, if imperfect, societies, including their own. As the example of South Africa demonstrates, a highly developed Western society can be dismantled with relative ease. In South Africa, this deconstruction has come about in the wake of an almost overnight shift in the majority/minority power structure. In the U.S., a slower, more incremental, but equally detrimental, transformation is under way…
…Ironically, America’s Founding Fathers had attempted to forestall pure democracy by devising a republic. Yet under the wing of the American eagle a dispensation was negotiated in South Africa, the consequence of which is the raw, ripe rule of the mob and its dominant, anointed party…


 …Incredibly, the country was scorned by the West and treated as Saddam Hussein was, with boycotts and sanctions when it was governed by a racist white minority. Now that a racist, black-majority government controls the country, is as violent as Iraq, Liberia, or the Congo and rapidly becoming another Islamist-friendly, failed African state, it is the toast of the West.

Apparently eliminating Apartheid did not culminate in the wished-for utopian paradise of peace and harmony ~

…South Africa’s democratically elected African leaders are even more committed than their political predecessors – apartheid-era Afrikaners – to restructuring society around race.
With one distinction: More people are murdered in one week under African rule than died under the detention of the Afrikaner government over the course of roughly four decades.

Is it possible that it’s not skin color that determines how civil a society is – but rather worldview?

Extant societal structures that safeguard life and property can always be improved upon. But once these bulwarks against mob rule and mayhem disintegrate, they are seldom restored.
A civilized society, ultimately, is one in which the individual can go about the business of life unmolested. If he can’t do that simple thing, of what value is the vote?
The apartheid-era, traditionally Western legal institutions, however flawed, were preferable to the Rambo Nation’s “rehabilitated” institutions, riven as they are by tribal feuds, fetishes and factional loyalties.

The last couple decades of turmoil and tragedy in South Africa provide us with an opportunity for an honest evaluation of the civilizing effect of western traditions. We ignore the lessons of history at our own peril.
Mercer’s article concludes with the following:

Americans, who take for granted their domestic tranquility can’t afford to finesse the fate of the dying Christian civilization at the tip of Africa.
South Africa is a microcosm of what America could become, unless it returns to the principles that made it great. If American institutions continue to subordinate their raison d’être to politically dictated egalitarianism, reclaiming them from the deforming clutches of state-enforced tribalism will become harder and harder.

The Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa ~ Includes a 10-minute excerpt from the stunning documentary “War of the Flea.”

The full movie is 93 minutes. Did you see it already on your TV-screen? We didn’t, either. Compare this to the worldwide hysteria in the time of ‘apartheid’ and draw your own conclusions…

White settlers never stole any land from Africans ~ Dispelling the myths surrounding the evil white African colonists:

…what the ‘settlers’ found [in the mid-19th century] was not a hugely advanced infrastructure, deep mines, airports, vast libraries of written works, grandiose institutions of learning, etc. No, as little as 170 years ago they found masses of black people (indigenous to the Southern tip of Africa, The San) living on the fringes of the stone age. Beings in skins, wielding sticks, living primitive dwellings, dragging and carrying things around, who had not even invented the wheel yet…
…Money, Capital and the pivotal mechanisms of the wealth that allows you to breathe, eat, have children, live a rather healthy productive and fulfilling life, but also allowed the cognitive development that leads to metropolitan development and infrastructure as we see it today – it is ALL of Western origins.


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