Europe Votes for DEpendence – Climbing on the Gravy Train of Tyranny… again

Apparently Europe, like much of America, has totally eliminated history courses – other than the revisionist versions – from their schools’ curriculum. How else to explain their regressive behavior last week? France, Greece and Germany election results send (anti-)austerity shockwaves through Europe.
European leaders, finally realizing that the money’s running out, and the party’s almost over, have been making a serious effort to reign in the out-of-control entitlement spending ~

The economic doctrine of austerity, to cut the burden of state spending to free up the economy, has ruled supreme with the support all of Europe’s leaders, the European Union and financial markets.

But the voters are having none of it ~

…(P)olitical leaders were on Sunday night conceding the consensus had been shattered beyond repair.
With Europe’s economies plunging further into recession and as unemployment in the eurozone breaks record levels, voters demands for a new approach had finally become to[sic] great to ignore.

The popular backlash to EU imposed austerity to the centrist New Democracy and Socialist parties in Greece threatens the existence of the euro itself.
Greece is potentially ungovernable as a minority government must try and pass a new raft of austerity measures next month which are a condition of an EU-IMF bailout and Greek membership of the euro.
In France, while Hollande, the Socialist President-elect is a centrist, he is sitting on a powder keg of resentment at measures that his government will have to pass if it is not spark a meltdown of financial markets.
Mr Hollande also horrified Berlin by sneering at the idea that France should change its constitution to enshrine a “debt brake” outlawing Socialist spending levels.

Hey – why stop spending like drunken sailors now? Why help pull the wagon when you can get a free ride?
Luckily, the lessons of the last century and repressive totalitarianism haven’t been forgotten by everyone. There are still voices of sanity reminding Europeans that they’re heading back in the wrong direction. Like Nigel Farage (UK Independent Party) who spoke earlier today in front of the European Parliament.
May 9th is supposedly Celebration of the Euro day 😯 , but Farage told his colleagues they should instead be celebrating May 8th – Victory in Europe Day; “when at least ½ of the continent got its democracy back!”
Zero Hedge has a short video of Farage’s 3 minute address: “The EU Titanic Has Now Hit The Iceberg”

Like communism (the European Union) has all gone badly wrong…
We face the prospect of mass civil unrest, possibly even revolution in some countries.
What’s happening in Greece is reminiscent of the elections in Germany in 1932…

If many Europeans are fuzzy on the history of their continent, you’d still think that most would be aware of a more recent occurrence; the transformation of East Germany since the fall of the Berlin Wall. If they aren’t, they need to check out these photos by Stefan Koppelkamm. Before and after shots of the same scenes, just two decades apart, the pictures clearly show the stunning transformation, and illustrate the stark contrast between communism and democracy.


“Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.” Edmund Burke


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