Who ya gonna call? “Mosquebusters!”

Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil. ~Thomas Mann ~

Our media elites, for whom “tolerance” is the ultimate virtue, would have us believe the total nonsense that all cultures and worldviews are equally legitimate. Thus, they’re simply incapable of condemning an ideology that justifies murder in response to book-burning. They’re so fearful of being labled “judgemental” that they’re completely lost the ability to discern good from evil. If Western Civilization is going to survive into the next century it will be in spite of their influence, not because of it.
No. If the West is to survive, what we desperately need more of is common sense – and organizations like “Mosquebusters” – dedicated to combating creeping Islamification. From last Friday in the Blaze: Meet the “Mosquebusters”: British Legal Team Out to Stop Islamic Influence in its Tracks.

The group’s official name is the Law And Freedom Foundation and they’re dedicated to the defense of the historical rule of law, and the freedoms guaranteed under that law, unique to Western Civilization. Rather than taking to the streets, as some of the nationalist-type groups in Europe have done, they’re using Britain’s legal system to preserve traditional values. Their assessment of the Muslim menace is perceptive and straightforward:

Law becomes tyrannical without freedom, and freedom becomes predatory without law: the brutes reign, and everyone gets poorer. A free society under law will always be more prosperous and peaceful.
There are three threats to the survival of state authority in Britain and Europe:
1) Economic breakdown. If the state goes bankrupt, the machinery of law disappears. This is the immediate problem.
2) Welfare dependence and collapse. This underlies all other problems.
3) Ethnic division, particularly between Islamic and non-Islamic society, and the violence at the heart of Islamic doctrine. This is the most visible problem, and the one that people will blame.
The political and intellectual elites are probably not going to save law or freedom. So we need to take what small action we can to preserve them ourselves.

Here’s Law And Freedom Foundation founder Gavin Boby explaining how the spread of Islamic doctrine threatens the very foundations of free societies, and discussing the organization’s specific efforts to prevent more mosques from being established in Britain:

Visit the Law And Freedom Foundation to read about their successes so far and learn more about this valiant effort to preserve liberty and justice for all.
Why Apologize to Afghanistan? – The reaction to an accidental Koran-burning was inexcusable. Andrew McCarthy @ National Review Online ~

If, according to the president, we need to apologize to Muslims because we must accept that they have such an innate, extraordinary ardor for their religion that barbaric reactions to trivial slights are inevitable, then they should not be invited to enter a civilized country. At the very least, our immigration laws should exclude entry from Muslim-majority countries unless and until those countries expressly repeal repressive sharia laws (e.g., the death penalty for apostates) and adopt American standards of non-discrimination against, tolerance of, and protection for religious minorities.
If you really want to promote freedom in Islamic countries, an immigration policy based on civil-rights reciprocity would be a lot more effective, and a lot less expensive, than dispatching tens of thousands of troops to build sharia “democracies.” It would also protect Americans from people whose countries and cultures have not prepared them for the obligations of citizenship in a free society.



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