Yellow Rivers… and Winds of Change

Did you know that –

The Green Schools Initiative* was founded in 2004 by parent-environmentalists who were shocked by how un-environmental their kids’ schools were and mobilized to improve the environmental health and ecological sustainability of schools in the U.S. We believe it is essential to protect children’s health – at school and in the world beyond school – and we work to catalyze and support “green” actions by kids, teachers, parents, and policymakers to… [emphasis mine]


…Blah, blah, blah.
How in the world have generations of Americans survived the unhealthy, “un-environmental” conditions in our public schools?! I’m “shocked” – that we weren’t all dropping like flies.
But leave it to the Lefties to promote spendthrift, ineffective solutions to non-existent problems. Like for instance, “waterless urinals” ~

Students step over ‘rivers of urine’ after green bathrooms plan for waterless urinals turns a high school yellow… and it will cost $500,000 to fix (!)
Seems Spanish River High School in Boca Raton, FL has a real smelly mess on their hands ~

Students … must step over rivers of urine and endure the stench of rancid waste after a plan to bring ‘green’ waterless urinals into bathrooms backfired.
School officials at Spanish River High School thought they had found an environmentally-friendly, cost-saving solution for their bathrooms when they installed Falcon Waterfree urinals in their boys bathrooms.
But with no water moving through the school’s copper pipes to flush the urine into the sewer system, the waste produced noxious gases that ate through the metal, leaving leaky pipes that allowed urine to drip into walls and flow onto floors.

Whoa! Talk about an “un-environmental” environment!

In 2010 Spanish River School District’s Chief Of Facilities Management won an award for “Green Initiatives.” And of course the high school has the requisite Environmental Club, the Global Warming Club and the “Veg” Club (Vegans? – or just kids who want to sit around and “veg out?”) I’m thinking maybe they can all join forces to clean up the environment disaster caused by green technology.
How many more tax dollars do we have to throw away on “green initiatives” before we realize they’re not ready for primetime?

At least the wind turbines in Britain are getting some well-deserved blowback. From the UK Telegraph:
David Cameron has been hit by a major protest by Conservative MPs over the Government’s backing for wind farms ~

A total of 101 Tory MPs have written to the Prime Minister demanding that the £400 million-a-year subsidies paid to the “inefficient” onshore wind turbine industry are “dramatically cut”.
The backbenchers, joined by some MPs from other parties, have also called on Mr Cameron to tighten up planning laws so local people have a better chance of stopping new farms being developed and protecting the countryside.
“In these financially straitened times, we think it is unwise to make consumers pay, through taxpayer subsidy, for inefficient and intermittent energy production that typifies onshore wind turbines,” they say. The MPs want the savings spread between other “reliable” forms of renewable energy production.


Watts Up With That? has even better news out of Europe: Germany in skeptical turmoil on both Climate and Solar/Windfarms. Not only is a leading German daily reporting that the Global Warming Crisis is a scam, but an energy expert, Dr. Guenter Keil;

… has closely examined Germany’s energy policy of shifting away from nuclear and fossil fuels and over to renewables. What he finds is a bleak picture.
Dr. Guenter Keil’s report focuses in detail on the amazing absurdities of Germany’s Renewable Energy Feed-In Act and the country’s utopian Energy Transformation. The government, through intrusive meddling and ballooning bureaucracy, has maneuvered Germany’s energy supply system into a vicious death spiral: the more the government intervenes, the greater the mess becomes. And the greater the mess becomes, the more the government intervenes!

Help spread the word – there’s still time for Americans to learn from the disastrous mistakes other countries have made, and avoid the alternative energy “death spiral.”
One of our local talk-radio guys has links to loads of resources and information about the Climate Change fraud here ➡ “The Frank Beckmann Show” Global Warming Library ~

An informed populace is necessary on this topic to prevent catastrophic changes to our way of life, not from man’s influence on climate, but rather from the influence of politicians who seek to redistribute wealth, eliminate many of our freedoms, sentence poor countries to endless poverty through an inability to develop basic necessities like electricity, and truly change life as we currently know it in the free world.


[*Note- most of the propaganda/brain-washing, “teaching green” tips at the Green Schools Initiative sound awfully Agenda 21-ish]

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