“Tea Party Patriots” Choose “Gingrinch”?

Who the heck are these “Tea Party Patriots?” ~ Gingrich wins straw poll of Tea Party Patriots activists – Dec. 18th 😯
Seriously. All the Tea Party people I’ve encountered place a premium on personal ethics, principles and integrity. If these qualities are any part of Gingrich’s make-up, they haven’t been very evident, and they’re certainly subordinate to his ambition. In fact, the only character trait that’s been consistent about over the course of Newt’s career is his single-minded pursuit of power and influence.

Words like “integrity” and “principled” are appropriately descriptive not of Newt, but of his first wife.
Last May, Jackie Gingrich Cushman, Newt’s daughter from his first marriage, wrote a wonderful tribute to her mother at Townhall Magazine titled “My Miracle Mom.” (HT- astute Freeper Kaslin). It’s well worth a read. Jackie Battley Gingrich was definitely the better half of that duo; a woman who has her priorities straight. Who knows that God, faith and family are much more important than public adoration and political achievement.
Although his daughter never really takes a shot at “Dad” in the article (and in fact, is supportive of his bid for president), the contrast between the parents’ priorities is striking.
We desperately need someone in the White House who’s not willing to toss aside personal commitments for the sake of professional aspirations. And that ain’t Newt.
To be fair, Gingrich is frequently on the right side of the issues. His comments earlier this month, about the Palestinians being invented people,were historically accurate. But is he being principled, or just politically expedient? His record as a Big-Government-is-best-RINO in undeniable.

If the “Tea Party Patriots” think Newt’s the one to help restore our Constitutional Republic, I’ve got some Florida swampland to sell them:

“The American challenge in leading the world is compounded by our Constitution. Under our [constitutional system] — either we’re going to have to rethink our Constitution, or we’re going to have to rethink our process of decision-making.”
Gingrich (1995) in a speech before the Center for Strategic and International Affairs


No thanks Newt. I’m an original Tea Partier, and I’m with these guys.
If we can’t start to reform the entire culture, and begin a return to America’s original founding principles, what’s the point?

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