The Demographic Disaster Behind the Failing Economy


“No one wanted to have any children. No one wanted to get married.”

Sound familiar? That was the social reality in the Roman Empire shortly before it fell, as stated in this trailer for the documentary: “Demographic Winter.”

As European economies teeter, and the ruling class scrambles to prevent collapse, not many are addressing the root cause of the fiscal crisis: the failure of self-centered, short-sighted populations to marry and reproduce. Very simply, there are too many old people, and not enough young people. Elementary mathematics my dear Watson; unsustainable.
Somehow western societies have reached the self-absorbed conclusion that individuals are entitled to a worry-free life from cradle-to-grave, without obligating themselves to any other human beings along the way. And once they’re out of the cradle, they rather than recycling it for the next generation, they toss it on the rubbish pile.
Unless western civilization can somehow reverse the decline of the human family, we’ll soon be joining the Romans on the rubbish pile of history.
Mark Steyn, in his book “America Alone,” discusses the “aging” of the west, particularly Europe, and what it means for the future. Bear in mind, this was published in 2006 – he was more optimistic then. And five years later, we’re only a few steps behind Europe.
In chapter 1: “The Coming of Age,” Steyn defines demographics as a game of the last man standing.
“We are living in a rare moment: the self-extinction of civilization…”

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2 Responses to The Demographic Disaster Behind the Failing Economy

  1. Pingback: Aging Greece stumbles on… | Designs on the Truth

  2. Pingback: Europe is committing suicide | Designs on the Truth

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