Alarmist scientists – manipulating the gullible by manipulating the data

Here’s a great new video from Tony Heller at Real Climate Science that explains exactly how the progressives’ majority-of-climate-scientists-agree scam has been perpetrated. In order to facilitate their goal of global wealth redistribution, climate changers have been deceitfully cherry-picking data for decades ~

[Pay particular attention to Heller’s ingenious climate fraud software
(around the 6:50 mark) which enables one to quickly locate a
precise time frame to match the desired amount of alarm you
wish to project. 😀 Data deception par excellence.]


Video via James Stansbury at Lifesite ~

Obviously, this type of data deception works best when the intended audience lacks the technical expertise to know it is being sold a fantasy. It is even easier when the fantasy is something many truly want to believe (e.g., Greta Thunberg and other Extinction Rebellion participants).
The ultimate fantasy solution to prevent a climate catastrophe requires that big government be given the power to regulate man-caused CO2 and those infinitesimal amounts of methane from cow flatulence. Never mind that total atmospheric CO2 is 0.04% (the equivalent clout of 4 pennies versus a $100 bill) and that today’s slightly higher CO2 levels have significantly increased worldwide crop yields.


“Warmest year ever” isn’t (GIGO)

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