Saturday Shorts (Sunday edition) – 9-29-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Complaint From So-Called ‘Whistleblower’ Is Riddled With Gossip, Blatant Falsehoods ~ Not that that matters. Nancy Pelosi has a president to impeach!

Rather than provide direct evidence that was witnessed or obtained firsthand by the complainant, the document instead combines gossip from various anonymous individuals, public media reports, and blatant misstatements of fact and law in service of a narrative that is directly contradicted by underlying facts […]
A review of the entire complaint shows it is not so much an example of whistle-blowing, an act that can only be done by the individual holding the whistle, but an elaborate gossipy game of telephone between unnamed individuals whose motives and credibility are impossible to ascertain.
In fact, the Department of Justice (DOJ) found in its review of the complaint from the anonymous official that the intelligence community inspector general found “indicia of an arguable political bias on the part of the Complainant in favor of a rival political candidate.”

The Democrats Punish America for Voting Wrong. Bad Proles, BAD! ~ Wherein John Zmirak at The Stream explains just how much progressive elites detest the MAGA rabble, and how they’re subverting our Constitutional Republic from within ~

What’s happening here isn’t politics. It’s vicious, old-fashioned dog training of the cruelest kind. Americans didn’t vote right, and now they will be punished. They refused to accept the regime change imposed on them. So now the Democrats will destroy the country’s government, so as to save it. They will obstruct every initiative, refuse any compromise, gin up every remotely plausible charge that can last for a few news cycles. (Then get stuffed down the Memory Hole with Jussie Smollett and Michael Avenatti.)
Every false charge refuted will give way to another. And then another. We’ll never have normal government or an end to this cold civil war, until we have learned our lesson […]
What our elites won’t endure is being ruled by us, even when we outvote them. That indignity they will fight with every last milligram of malice in their cankered pagan souls.

Adam Schiff Performs Fake Conversation Between Trump and Ukraine President ~ The transcript didn’t incriminate the president the way Democrats had hoped, so Schiff offered his alternate-reality version. This guy is pathetic. Sophomoric antics like this don’t belong in the halls of Congress ~

The White House released a transcript of a phone call between Trump and Zelensky on Wednesday, but Schiff made up and fabricated his own transcript that he read at the hearing, which sought to create the quid pro quo that Democrats have accused the president of making.

Planned Parenthood Advised Hollywood on More Than 150 Movies and Shows Since 2014, Director Says ~ Not-so-subtly promoting abortion, while of course “Unplanned” gets censored ~

The Susan B. Anthony List’s Mallory Quigley pointed out that the 2019 $6.4 million box office film Unplanned surpassed expectations — while “fictional abortion comedy” often does poorly. The Susan B. Anthony List is a nonprofit anti-abortion organization.
“The abortion industry’s grip on Hollywood is well-known, but what might be surprising is how soundly their propaganda has failed to move Americans’ minds and hearts,” Quigley told the DCNF. “Pro-life sentiment is on the rise. The overwhelming majority of Americans, especially young people, disagree with the extreme agenda of taxpayer-funded abortion on demand through birth and even infanticide.”

Fracking Ban Proposed By 2020 Dems Would Kill Millions of Jobs ~ Not only is fracking not dangerous, it’s resulted in energy independence for the U.S. in just a few short years (we’re no longer at the mercy of OPEC), and helped create millions of new jobs ~

A proposed fracking ban put forward by leading Democratic presidential candidates would have a devastating impact on U.S. jobs, energy independence, and even national security, according to several studies.
Reports from the American Petroleum Institute, Independent Petroleum Association of America, and U.S. Chamber of Commerce painted a stark picture of the economic fallout from ending fracking, a process which has transformed the United States into the top oil and natural gas producer in the world.

NYC threatens up to $250G in fines for using terms like ‘illegal alien,’ threatening to call ICE ~ Redefining reality ~

New York City’s Commission on Human Rights announced on Thursday that residents could face up to $250,000 in fines if they use terms such as “illegal alien … with intent to demean, humiliate or harass a person.”
“Hate has no place here,” a tweet from the City of New York read. The city’s announcement ticked off a list of offensive ways to address immigrants — including threatening to call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), or harassing someone for their “limited English proficiency.”

But they’re in the country illegally. What else do we call them? If they were in DeBalsio’s house without an invite they’d be trespassers – illegal. And if they were in many other countries illegally they’d be in big trouble; being referred to by that descriptive would be the least of it ~ Prison, labor camps, caning: Illegal entry is serious crime outside U.S.
I’ll Drink to That: Captain Morgan Website Asks Visitors to Affirm They’re Non-Muslim ~ Helping to enforce Sharia? Very curious

Gender transition poses ‘serious and irreversible damage’ to kids, top psychiatrist warns ~ A voice of truth pushing back against this destructive ideology ~

Dr. David Bell, a consultant psychiatrist at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust and former president of the British Psychoanalytic Society, believes the medical field is being pressured to accept claims that children “declare themselves as being in the wrong body” without “sufficient investigation for its basis,” due in no small part to the fact that such cases have almost quadrupled over the past four years, The Telegraph reported […]
“Many services have championed the use of medical and surgical intervention with nowhere near sufficient attention to the serious, irreversible damage this can cause and with very disturbingly superficial attitudes to the issue of consent in young children,” he argued. Yet doctors who “refuse to accept the dominant ideological position” are accused of being “transphobic,” which “has been remarkably successful, resulting in a simplification of a very complex problem that needs to be understood at both individual and socio-cultural levels.”

Here’s another courageous doctor who’s not buying the agenda, and clearly wants what’s best for patients ~ John Hopkins Psychiatrist: ‘Gender Confusions Are Mostly Driven by Psychological and Psychosocial Problems’ ~

“I think their mental problems, often depression, discouragement are the things that need treatment,” Dr. McHugh, who has argued that it is a scientific fact that “transgendered men do not become women, nor do transgendered women become men,” told The College Fix in an interview published Tuesday:
“I believe that these gender confusions are mostly being driven by psychological and psychosocial problems these people have. That explains the rapid onset gender dysphoria (Brown University Researcher) Lisa Littman has spelled out.”
Because their problems are psychological, many people who become transgender find that they no less troubled after the change, he says:

Black Slavery Exists Today in Muslim-Dominated African Nations, but No One’s Talking About It ~ If the voices demanding reparations these days actually cared about their fellow human beings they’d be crusading against modern day slavery ~

Today, an estimated 529,000 to 869,000 black men, women, and children are still slaves. They are bought, owned, sold, and traded by Arab and Muslim masters in five African countries. This statistic estimates those enslaved in Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, and Sudan. It excludes Nigeria, for which there are no tangible estimates.

40 Days for Life ~ September 25 – November 3 ~

Knowing that “with God, all things are possible,” people of faith and conscience unite in 40 days of prayer and fasting. Christ told us some demons can only be driven out by prayer and fasting. The two go hand in hand. Prayer keeps us rooted in the fact that it is our desire to carry out God’s will. Fasting is a sacrifice that helps us reach beyond our own limitations with God’s help.

Please pray, it’s not too late to begin. You never know how many lives may be saved ~ This young mom was ready to abort her baby. 40 Days for Life changed her mind

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