F & F Subterfuge

More facts are surfacing to demonstrate the Obama Administration’s ulterior motive behind the Fast & Furious debacle. From the Coach is Right: Proof offered for 2nd Amendment-busting intent of Fast & Furious
Basically, the guns that were being “walked across the border” weren’t even the “preferred” weapons of the Mexican drug cartels. They were however, exactly the types that the anti-Second Amendment crowd wants to ban. Coincidence?

…what better way to advance their agenda than to suddenly have hundreds, perhaps thousands of these guns appear at murder scenes throughout two countries?
By some estimates as many as 300 people have been killed in order that the gun-banning dreams of the left might be realized. Never has an Administration engaged in a more thoroughly corrupt undertaking. Prison is far too good for this unholy group.


Hey – why let a few hundred, thousand – or million, dead bodies stop you from achieving your totalitarian dreams of utopia?

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2 Responses to F & F Subterfuge

  1. oldpuppymax says:

    This is the most dangerous, the most criminally inspired regime in our nation’s history. It must NOT be permitted another 4 years, regardless of the fraud we KNOW will occur at the polls next year.

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