Saturday Shorts (Sunday edition) 8-11-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

DOE Will Investigate Whether Connecticut Trans Sports Policy Discriminates Against Girls ~ I’m not sure we need an investigation – until 5 minutes ago humans understood that biological men were naturally faster than biological women – but maybe this will help reverse the insanity ~

The U.S. Department of Education announced its Office of Civil Rights (OCR) would investigate whether or not a Connecticut high school athletics policy allowing males who identify as transgender to compete in women’s sports involves discrimination against women. The office will consider whether the policy violates Title IX, which prohibits discrimination.

Acts of Violence: A Psychologist’s Take on the Making of a Mass Shooter ~ Psychologist Gregory Jantz offers his analysis of a troubling trend ~

“We’re seeing more people living in a place of despondency, a place of despair,” he says. Many of them are young males. “We’ve got a generation that overall doesn’t feel real hopeful about their futures. We have a generation that is feeling like their whole sense of any hope for a meaningful future is not there.”

“This Is Exactly What You Get In A Culture Where Anything Goes & Nothing Matters” ~ James Howard Kunstler isn’t a psychologist, but sees the very same problem ~

For many, there is no armature left to hang a life on, no communities, no fathers, no mentors, no initiations into personal responsibility, no daily organizing principles, no instruction in useful trades, no productive activities, no opportunities for love and affection, and no way out […]
Extract all the meaning and purpose from being here on earth, and erase as many boundaries as you can from custom and behavior, and watch what happens, especially among young men trained on video slaughter games.

Why Red Flag Laws Are Not A Good Solution To Mass Shootings ~ Inching ever-closer to a police state? As Dana Loesch points out, it’s an abrogation of due process to invert the order of “innocent until proven guilty” to “somewhat guilty until proven innocent.” ~

Politicians refer to law-abiding, gun-owning Americans as “domestic security threats,” yet want you to trust them with implementing (a Red Flag) system.

Jesse Kelly weighs in as well ~ We Don’t Need Red Flag Laws, We Need More Good Americans To Get Guns ~

Name the civil liberty that has ever been returned to the citizens after government took it away. Let me save you some time: It does not exist. Governments take away liberties and never return them outside of a political revolution.

From El Paso to Fort Hood ~ Hassan murdered non-Muslims. Crucius murdered non-whites. Why the disparity in coverage/prosecution? ~

President Barack Obama, the Democrat formerly known as Barry Soetoro, did not call Nidal Hassan’s mass murder an act of terrorism or even gun violence. He called it “workplace violence,” which did more than downplay the Islamic terrorism on display in the mass murder. Since it was “workplace” and not combat, it also prevented the victims from getting medals and the medical treatment they deserved. The president also declined to receive victims at the White House and field their complaints.
As the 2012 hearings revealed, during his medical residency Hasan demonstrated “evidence of violent extremism,” sympathy for radical Islam, and even wrote papers defending Osama bin Laden. “Yet no action was taken. Instead, Major Hasan was rewarded for his work and promoted.” In reality, “Hasan was barely a competent psychiatrist, whose radical views alarmed his colleagues.”

SEX SCANDAL ROCKS FBI: Top Agents Under Fire For Reported Sexual Affairs with CNN Reporters ~ Strangely enough the mainstream media isn’t particularly interested in this sort of collusion ~

High-level FBI officials complained to the highest executive offices of the FBI that Strzok and more top agents were engaged in sexual relationships with CNN’s on-air personnel. Those high-ranking sources say top management did not investigate the reports and the relationships continued. And the sexual romps still might continue today.
FBI agents having sexual relations with the media is something that is not only frowned upon at the FBI but also highly problematic. Look no further than the classified leaks that CNN has published, breaking anti-Trump stories with insider information from Justice Department insiders.

Speaking of CNN ~ CNN Sympathetically Profiled Illegal Immigrant Dodging Deportation — 8 Months Later He Killed A Man While Driving Without A License ~ Had they profiled a bit more professionally they would have discovered that Ramirez Valiente is – according to a close acquaintance, “an alcoholic and an abuser” ~

Ramirez Valiente was charged with reckless endangerment in 2011 and domestic violence in 2016. Both cases were dismissed by the El Paso County district attorney.
Last year, Ramirez Valiente’s driver’s license was revoked after he pleaded guilty to a charge of driving under the influence, according to The Denver Channel. His probation for that charge was extended Aug. 1, a day before he hit Buchanan, because he had not finished his community service and therapy for alcoholism.


Even though the mainstreams deliberately mishandle stories like that ~ Majority of Blacks, Hispanics Support Anti-Illegal Immigration Candidates ~

(V)oters across racial lines said they would be more likely to support a 2020 presidential candidate that wants to reduce illegal immigration. Roughly 63 percent of black Americans and 61 percent of Hispanic Americans said they would be more likely to support an anti-illegal immigration presidential candidate.


Democrats just purged white party staffers, and it’s a bigger deal than anyone wants to admit ~ If the Democrat party is going to fire employees because of their skin color, they really aren’t fit to govern ~

Although roughly half the committee’s full-time staff (13 of 27) were nonwhite, this was not enough for some Democratic members of Congress. They complained DCCC Chairwoman Cheri Bustos of Illinois had brought in too many white staffers when she won the position. And they put enough pressure on her that she sacrificed her loyal staffers to the god of diversity.


Sick: Leftists doxx and threaten Dayton nurse who saved lives for appearing in picture with President Trump ~ The Left is growing more evil by the day. When did Americans start thinking it was OK to treat their fellow citizens like this? For ANY reason? ~

This sliming of the innocent nurse by the left suggests not just unhinged rage, but a very negative underlying agenda: to intimidate voters in order to make the rest of the public fearful of posing for pictures with the president. It’s a sort of repression of mobs, the way Castroite Cuba sends in the turbas to hurl rocks to intimidate dissent. It’s the same sick logic that prevents people from putting Trump bumper stickers on their cars out of fear of having them keyed or their tires punctured. The vile stunt just took things to a new level.

Science Confirms Biblical Human Nature ~ Recent studies proving than the Bible’s description of our imperfect natures (depravity even) coincides with reality. Imagine that! ~

The innate properties of children and adults match what the Bible says about human nature. People don’t need stuff. They don’t need advice from fallible human ‘experts’ who don’t know where they came from. They need the Lord. Let’s take them to the narrow path that leads to life, and help them build on the Rock that withstands the storm.

Appeals court rules Pennsylvania county can keep cross on its seal ~ Following on the heels on the Supreme’s Bladensburg Peace Cross decision, maybe we’re finally restoring some much-needed constitutional perspective to this issue ~

“It is common sense that religion played a role in the lives of our nation’s early settlers,” said Diana Verm, senior counsel at Becket, a religious liberty law firm. “It is only right that Lehigh County can continue honoring its history and culture.”[…]
“The Supreme Court made it clear in its recent decision in The American Legion v. American Humanist Association that the days of offended observers forcing governments to scrub all public references to the divine are over,” Stephanie Taub, First Liberty Institute general counsel, said in a statement. “We’re thrilled to see our victory in that case already making an impact.”

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