Deceitful Dems don’t really want to stop gun violence – they want to stop Trump

Here’s another great commentary on mass shooters, cultural erosion and deceitful leftists from former governor, Mike Huckabee. He points out the dishonest mehtods that so many Democrats are using to demonize the president and divide, anger and incite Americans – all of it based on distortions and outright lies ~

I would love to see a debate that addresses the real root causes of these horrific acts of violence, which I’ve long written and talked about: the destruction of the family unit, the absence of fathers, the desensitization of kids to violence, the banishing of religion and moral teaching from the public square, undermining of respect for the sanctity of life, the way isolated social media relationships and coarse anonymous Internet sniping have replaced personal human contact in churches and community groups, the “war on boys” that tells young men they’re bad and useless just for being male, and on and on.


I would even be willing to listen to suggestions for new gun laws, if they were effective at keeping guns out of the hands of dangerous people, and not just the same regurgitated anti-Second Amendment leftist wish list of “common sense” gun laws that are anything but. Those proposed laws invariably would have done nothing to stop the mass shootings, but they would disarm and criminalize law-abiding citizens while making it easier for criminals and deranged shooters to victimize us […]
All those things should be part of the constructive debate we should all come together to have. Alas, that’s not what’s going on. Instead of a serious attempt to understand the root causes of the problem and fix them, we’re getting nothing but cynical finger-pointing, political maneuvering, blame-shifting and fomenting of even more hatred, division and racial suspicion. What’s going on now isn’t useful, it isn’t bringing the country together, it’s harmful rather than healing, and frankly, in at least one way, it’s absolutely disgusting […]
Unfortunately, many who seek to be leaders in America are not very careful with their words. One reason I have a writing/research staff is because I don’t want to be accused of trying to promote my point of view by using incorrect “facts” or fake quotes. My people are very good at digging up reliable data, direct quotes from the source and accurate summaries of opposing viewpoints. In other words, I don’t just make this stuff up, or stuff straw men to argue against because it’s easier than engaging honestly. I wish everyone had the same attitude, particularly at a time like this, when slanderous false statements can spread anger and division that harm the entire nation […]

If only leftists had the same respect for the truth – and frankly, for the American people (who they must actually hold in contempt since all the ever do is lie to us!) ~

There’s hardly a debunked anti-Trump meme that he hasn’t resuscitated, from “all Mexicans are rapists and criminals” to “he tried to ban all Muslims from the U.S.” to “children in cages” to claiming Trump is an “open, avowed racist,” even though Trump has called himself the least racist person in the world — pretty bad avowing there. Even if Trump were a racist — which I do not believe he is — claiming he’s an “open and avowed racist” when he’s repeatedly denounced racism and denied being a racist makes me as skeptical of everything O’Rourke says as I am of his chances of ever being President […]

Putting aside all the violent rhetoric Biden has used about wanting to punch Trump, I wonder what kind of divisive presidential rhetoric might have been responsible for the shootings at the Sandy Hook school, the Aurora movie theater, the Washington Navy ship yard, Fort Hood, San Bernardino, the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, and the racially-motivated shooting of police officers in Dallas, to name just a few, all of which happened during the Obama/Biden years?

Read the whole article HERE.

What part does “crazy” play in these mass shootings? We’ll never know if the Left gets its way
Some inconvenient truths about guns the Left ignores ~
5 Facts About Mass Shootings That The Gun Control Fanatics Don’t Want You to See
Media bias and the gun control debate

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