Saturday Shorts – 5-11-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Biden launches presidential campaign with lies ~ Star Parker points out that the tired Charlottesville delusion to which Biden is clinging has been thoroughly debunked ~

Far less convenient for Biden would have been quoting accurately Trump’s initial remarks on Charlottesville: “Above all else, we must remember this truth: No matter our color, creed, religion or political party, we are all Americans first. We love our country. We love our God. And we love our flag. … we must love each other, respect each other and cherish our history and our future together. … We have to respect each other. Ideally, we have to love each other.”
The partisan left will be pleased with Biden’s lies. But decent Americans of all ethnicities understand that President Trump is restoring America’s freedom, tolerance, prosperity – and soul.

James Woods Releases New Statement About Twitter Suspending Him ~ James Woods has been banished to the Twitter Gulag. He says he’s not coming back until Jack Dorsey actually allows free speech on the platform.


Free Loomer ~ Laura Loomer is another outspoken conservative who’s been virtually erased from social media. She’s requesting donations to help finance her legal battle. But why should she have to pay to speak freely in America?!

“The tweet that Twitter decided to ban me for was a tweet full of facts about Sharia law. It was a tweet directed at Ilhan Omar, a newly elected Congresswoman, a politician, a public figure, which pointed out that her support of Sharia law does not make her an ally for gay people, women, or Jews, as Twitter would like you to believe.
“Sure enough, it was eventually discovered that CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) was behind my banning, specifically lobbying Twitter to remove me from the platform.”


More from the Thought Police ~ Google Censors the Claremont Institute ~ Apparently the tech leviathan disproves of their mission: to restore the constitutional design envisioned by our nation’s founders. How ironic ~

The Claremont Institute has launched a campaign to engage our fellow citizens in discussion and debate about what it means to be an American.
As part of that effort, we have begun to point out the increasingly existential danger of identity politics and political correctness to our republic. As if to prove our point, Google has judged our argument as wrongthink that should be forbidden.
They are now punishing us for our political thought by refusing to let us advertise to our own readers.

Soon conservatives may even be denied credit cards Mastercard to Vote on Banning the Far Right ~ Submit or be banned ~

Activist group “SumOfUs” wants “human rights committee” to oversee who uses Mastercard.

Colorado students walk out and chant ‘mental health’ in protest at calls for gun control during shooting vigil ~ If you were watching the network news coverage of the latest school shooting you probably missed this addendum; it didn’t fit the script.

Eleven-year-old ‘Drag Kid’ now a spokeschild for Converse shoes ~ Embracing perversity ~

An 11-year-old drag performer known as Desmond-is-Amazing is now a model for a shoe company.
The Converse footwear company, once known for its fashionable high top basketball shoes, has announced a new “partnership” with Desmond Napoles and five other “individuals connected with the LGBTQ+ community” to market its new “Pride collection.”
The announcement accompanied a photograph of Desmond dressed in a colorful shoulder-baring outfit and heavy makeup, posing suggestively before the five other models, including a man dressed as a woman and two women dressed as boys.

And here’s the next level of derangenment I guess ~ CNN promotes adults who ‘transition’ from human species to identify as mermaids ~

CNN recently published a profile on the global trend of “mermaiding,” through which one wears custom mermaid tails over his legs for gatherings, photography, swimming, and even conventions […]
(W)hile many mermaiding enthusiasts see it as nothing more than a hobby, others speak of it using rhetoric similar to that of gender activists who believe that self-perception should trump one’s physical reality.
“It’s my thing, it’s unique, it’s who I am,” said Udi Frige, who compared his mermaiding to a homosexual or gender-confused person coming out of the closet. “It requires lots of difficult explanation, especially if people don’t know me.”

William Barr & Eric Holder: When to Hold an Attorney General in Contempt ~ In case you need another example of leftist double-standards… Holder was held in contempt for failing to provide information on Fast & Furious (the ATF gun-running operation that got Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry killed). Barr is held in contempt for not doing something he’s not legally permitted to do! The Democrats themselves are contemptible.
Homeless and lost in SF — until a Chronicle photo led his brother to him ~ Moving story of a brother who wouldn’t give up hoping. The future’s still uncertain, but it looks a lot brighter ~

Baron Feilzer hadn’t seen his only sibling for years. Then a homeless man’s picture appeared in The Chronicle.

Point of Connection: How A Small Town Ministry Is Transforming Lives Despite City Official’s Efforts To Shut It Down ~ Point of Connection Ministries in Joseph, Oregon have been working to provide transformational assistance and help to homeless members of their community struggling to recover from drug and alcohol addictions, but now the local zoning board has shut them down ~

You can support First Liberty and their important efforts in defense of our religious freedom HERE.

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