Clashing worldviews

Why is there an ever-widening gap between the right and the left in this country? Why are so many friends and families increasingly alienated from one another? Why doesn’t there seem to be any common ground in our viewpoints anymore?
worldview-lgrWhat it really comes down to is how we as individuals see and interact with the world around us. There are essentially two main philosophies or belief systems and, as Dennis Prager explains with his usual brilliant insight, they are totally incompatible with one another ~

The Bible and the left (not liberalism, leftism) are as opposed as any two worldviews can be. While there are people who claim to hold both a Bible-based worldview and left-wing views, these people are few in number. Moreover, what they do is take left-wing positions and wrap them in a few Bible verses. But on virtually every important value in life, the left and the Bible are diametrically opposed.

This underlying dynamic is really the key to understanding nearly every social conflict we’re facing today. Prager offers several examples to expand on this concept. Here are a couple ~

• The biblical view is that people are not basically good. Evil therefore comes from within human nature. For the left, human nature is not the source of evil. Capitalism, patriarchy, poverty, religion, nationalism or some other external cause is the source of evil.
• The biblical view is that man is created in the image of God and, therefore, formed with a transcendent, immaterial soul. The left-wing view — indeed, the view of all secular ideologies — is that man is purely material, another assemblage of stellar dust.
• The biblical view is that the human being has free will. The left-wing view — again, the view of all secular outlooks — is that human beings have no free will. Everything we do is determined by environment, genes and the matter of which we are composed. Firing neurons, not free will, explain both murders and kindness.
• The biblical view is that the nuclear family is the basic unit of society — a married father and mother and their children. This is the biblical ideal. All good people of faith recognize that the reality of this world is such that many people do not or cannot live that ideal. And such people often merit our support. But that does not change the fact that the nuclear family is the one best-suited to create thriving individuals and a healthy society, and we who take the Bible seriously must continue to advocate the ideal family structure as the Bible defines it. And for that, perhaps more than anything, we are mocked.
The biblical view holds that wisdom begins with acknowledging God. The secular view is that is that God is unnecessary for wisdom, and the left-wing view is that God is destructive to wisdom. But if you want to know which view is more accurate, look at the most godless and Bible-less institution in our society: the universities. They are, without competition, the most foolish institutions in our society.

bibleAlthough the Left doesn’t want you to know about it, the Bible was originally the primary textbook used in early American schools. Today some of them are openly hostile to the book. These people, for instance are unhinged ~ Attack on Bible display ‘latest in a disturbing trend to dishonor veterans’: First Liberty ~

An atheist group’s attempt to remove a 95-year-old WWII veteran’s Bible from a POW/MIA memorial in Manchester, New Hampshire is just the latest in attacks on veterans, a religious liberty group told Fox News.
The Bible was donated to Manchester VA Medical Center by former U.S. Army Air Corps Technical Sergeant Herman Streitburger, of Bedford, who was held captive during World War II.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, the group suing the VA, slams Streitburger’s Bible as “a repugnant example of fundamentalist Christian triumphalism, exceptionalism, superiority, and domination, and it cannot stand.”

If that’s not an irreconcilable difference I don’t know what is. But it also reveals complete ignorance of American history. And it’s indicative of a mania of sorts or even, dare I say – satanic – opposition to the Word of God.

Where will this growing discord end?
Those of us who believe in the Bible know – we just don’t know when.
Because, only one side can be right. And there’s no more middle ground.

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