Saturday Shorts – 3-30-19


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:

Marijuana-Related ER Visits Triple in Colorado ~ Coming soon to Michigan, thanks to the Big Pot lobby ~

A toxicology specialist has found a connection between legalized marijuana and a threefold increase in related visits to emergency rooms in Colorado for heart and other issues, confirming that cannabis poses health risks […]
The new study from researchers with the University of Colorado School of Medicine found that marijuana-related ER visits tripled between 2012 and 2016.
The study also found that people consuming marijuana edibles suffer from toxic reactions at higher rates than those who smoke the drug. These edibles typically include brownies and other baked goods.

Christian School Withdraws from Athletic Conference over Transgender Policy ~ Courage in the face of faux-reality ~

The school had planned to leave the Potomac Valley Athletic Conference in the spring, due to the long distances their athletes would have to travel to play other teams in the conference. However, the school expedited their exit plan after the conference began allowing males identifying as girls to compete against biological females without a two-thirds vote by the league.

Don’t try that in the UK ~ Christian journalist to be interrogated by police for ‘misgendering’ activist’s transgender child ~

The authorities contacted Caroline Farrow, who writes for the U.K.-based Catholic Herald, after a September appearance on “Good Morning Britain” where she debated Susie Green, who heads the transgender advocacy group Mermaids.
During the interview Farrow argued the position that single-sex spaces in children’s schools and in other places of public accommodation should be maintained and noted, among other things, that females do not have penises.
What prompted the police action, however, was that Farrow allegedly referred to Green’s child, who is now called “Jackie,” a biological male who underwent a surgical procedure in Thailand several years ago to remove his genitals, with incorrect pronouns on Twitter […]
Meanwhile, Farrow has been regularly harassed and threatened by transgender activists. One trans activist even doxxed her ex.

Letting Jussie Smollett Go Free Is a Step Toward Civil War ~ Letting this scam-artist off the hook is an egregious offense to the civil society. Here’s John Zmirak’s take on Cook County’s lawlessness ~

This miscarriage of justice is so in your face, it seems designed to rub our noses in the muck. Or else to show off just how powerful certain elite groups in America really are. They don’t even have to pretend to play by the same rules as the rest of us rubes. And that is profoundly dangerous, if the law lets it slide. It’s the kind of outrage that gives rise to violent vigilantes, or goads people to join hate groups.

“At First We Didn’t Believe It”: Fast-Melting Greenland Glacier Starts Growing Again In Massive U-Turn ~ Oops. Reality strikes again ~

According to a study published in Monday’s peer-reviewed Nature Geoscience, however, the glacier began growing at about the same rate over the past two years. That said, the authors of the study swear it’s temporary 😀
“At first we didn’t believe it,” said lead author Ala Khazendar who works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) […]
Co-author Josh Willis said that while this is “good news” on a temporary basis, it’s still “bad news” over the long term because it means that ocean temperatures are a larger factor in the growth and melting of glaciers than previously thought.

The Resistance Media Weren’t Ready for This ~ An interesting look from McKay Coppins at The Atlantic at the different ways in which the various anti-Trump factions in the blogosphere are reacting to the Russian-collusion delusion ~

Nowhere has the anticlimactic conclusion to Mueller mania been more acutely felt than in the alternative partisan media complex that services the so-called resistance.

The Evil Too Few Have Seen Behind Transgenderism’s Mind Control ~ Simply put, attempting to alter reality is EVIL ~

“Evil wizards” get that title for a reason: They dominate. They control. They take away others’ freedom to see reality as it is, and to move in it freely based on their own thoughts, reasoning and volition. Humans everywhere have always known it would be horrifically wrong to abuse one’s power in that way. There are tales of good witches and friendly magicians, but never any who force their mind and their will on others.

And while we’re on the subject, Google continues to “Be Evil” ~ Tech tyrants at Google do their best to obscure no indictments of Mueller Report ~

If the internet search monopolists at Google are trying to build a case that they are a dangerous threat to democracy in need of antitrust remediation, they are doing a good job of it. We already know that Google is run by leftists for leftists and fired software engineer James Damore for political reasons – because he dared question P.C. orthodoxy. But there is an accumulating body of evidence that Google attempts to manage the public’s access to information so as to bias it in favor of Google’s friends and against those Google decides are its enemies.

Google Manipulated, Influenced Midterm Elections, Cost Republicans Seats: Study ~ Do we just have to put up with this? Apparently so… (The Left would be rioting in the streets!) ~

New research reveals that Google built biases into its search results that influenced the 2018 midterm elections – possibly costing Republicans three congressional districts […]
Analysis of this data showed a clear pro-Democrat bias in election-related Google search results as compared to competing search engines […]
According to the study, at least 35,455 undecided voters within the three California districts may have been persuaded to vote Democrat due to the biased Google search results.

Darwinism Inspired China’s Communist Holocaust ~ And the death of millions ~

That Darwin was a major influence in communist China should not surprise us. Darwin not only supported the survival-of-the-fittest ideology, but even…
“… divided humanity into distinct races according to differences in skin, eye or hair color. He was also convinced that evolution was progressive, and that the white races—especially the Europeans—were evolutionarily more advanced than the black races, thus establishing race differences and a racial hierarchy.”

Speaking of China ~ The Chinese government is stockpiling Americans’ DNA info. Here’s why ~

March 27, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) — As part of its “Made in China 2025” campaign, the Chinese government is embarking on a massive, state-led drive to acquire DNA from both its own citizens and the citizens of the world, including Americans. The intent? Not only to become a biotech superpower — but to have the ability to create bio-weapons that target specific DNA strands.

Texas AG Ken Paxton Officially Launches Investigation Into Chick-Fil-A Ban ~ Well this is encouraging! Hopefully they can get the intolerant San Antonio city council to stand down ~

The city of San Antonio may have violated federal law and Transportation Department regulations by denying a contract to Chick-fil-A on religious grounds after voting to remove the franchise from a new airport concession contract.

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