Meanwhile, in another part of the world…

OK, it’s not really another part of the world, but the mainstreams’ generally treat it as such. With their myopic vision focused solely on Trump-Trump-Trump, they rarely bother to glance across our northern border.
Luckily, there are a few outstanding Canadians – who frankly, have more in common with honest, freedom-loving Americans than with many of their fellow citizens (particularly the elite ruling class) – resolute enough to report on the latest debacles wrought by progressives’ reality-free policies in their country. One of these is Ezra Levant of The Rebel Media, along with his gang of fearless journalists.

For the last few weeks the website has been covering an emerging scandal involving SNC-Lavalin, a Canadian engineering and construction company (and one of the most corrupt according to Rebel). Seems the Trudeau regime may be guilty of pulling strings to help the Montreal-based corporation evade prosecution for bribing the Libyan government under its former dictator, the brutal Moammar Gadaffi.
[As an aside, notice how our partisan media in the U.S. is frantically searching for mythical evidence that Donald Trump abused his executive power to collude in some nefarious undertaking or other? Well, across the border, Canadian mainstreams are scrambling to cover up this SNC scandal for Justin Trudeau.]

While there’s much more to this story (search “SNC-Lavalin” on their site for all the messy details), here’s an excellent re-cap ~

(Note: Be prepared to slog through YouTube’s annoying new “ad-slamming” strategy
which seems to be aimed at squelching conservative voices.)


Also newsworthy at present, is the country’s troubling financial picture. While the U.S. economy is ~ Canada’s economy teeters on recession. Levant cites numerous reasons for his assessment, in no particular order ~

• President Donald Trump’s new “Buy American” executive order, shutting out Canadian companies from hundreds of billions, probably trillions of dollars worth of U.S. construction projects.[The order encourages federal agencies to “Buy American, Hire American” and is, in part, a reaction to Canadian tariffs imposed on imports on dairy, eggs, and poultry products (up to 270 percent on dairy products).]
• The three pipelines Trudeau has killed.
• Scratch the auto industry, too (Plant closings…)
• The overpriced housing market in Vancouver and Toronto
• Alberta is broke — and heading back into a second NDP (New Democratic Party) recession
• Canada’s terms of trade — a comparison of the prices of exports versus the prices of imports — saw its biggest drop since early 2009, the report said. It fell 3.6 percent in the fourth quarter, which was mostly due to a 34.3 percent decline in crude exports.”
• The lower GDP figure for all of 2018 reflected a slowdown in most categories, including weaker results for household consumption, business investment and housing investment, which contracted 2.3 percent. The agency said the drop in housing investment coincided with rising interest rates and stricter mortgage rules came into force.
• In December, economic growth contracted 0.1 per cent for the second consecutive month and the third decline in four months.”


But hey – on the bright side – the Canadian pot market is booming ~

Household spending on marijuana, at an annual rate, totalled $5.9 billion in the fourth quarter — with illegal pot accounting for $4.7 billion of the total and legal weed representing $1.2 billion.
“Cannabis accounted for 0.5 per cent of total household spending,” the report said of the quarterly numbers. “And non-medical cannabis accounted for 11.2 per cent of spending on alcohol, tobacco and cannabis.”


So eat, drink and smoke dope. And tomorrow you go broke. No joke.
And with our massive debt, the party’s probably going to be over in the U.S. pretty soon as well.

Amazing Polly ~ Canadian vlogger swimming against the tide of relativism through a soup of gaslighting & lies, smear campaigns & psychological warfare. Subscribe to her YouTube channel (before she’s de-platformed)

[Hat-tip: JAB]


Is Canada Still a Country? How Canada’s Identity Crisis Could Threaten the US ~ They’ve embraced multi-culturalism to such a degree, Canadian culture is being erased ~

Canada is in the midst of what one writer called a “civilizational experiment in which a western nation is being transformed into a post-western nation. And this revolution is centered around the cult of diversity.” […]
The culture that is under fire here is traditional Canadian Christian culture. Ottawa resident Alexandra Belaire grew up behind the Iron Curtain in communist Czechoslovakia, and she sees some disturbing parallels between life under communism and politically correct Canada.
When asked, “What do you say to someone who says ‘That (comparison) is preposterous. I can say whatever I want in Canada. How can you compare it to the Soviet world?'”
The former dissident’s daughter said, “But you can’t say anything you want.

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