Justifying Jussie

So the truth about the Jussie Smollett attack is rapidly emerging: he faked his own attack, paying two Nigerian acquaintances to rough him up – for what purpose? To garner sympathy? While at the same time advancing the phony narrative that all Trump supporters are vile racists? (Or maybe THIS?)
Whatever the actor’s motives, it’s been very interesting to observe which politicians, celebrities and media types are now apologizing for going ballistic before the facts were known, and which have actually doubled-down on the indignation. DahleenGlanton
Chicago Tribune columnist, Dahleen Glanton ➡
is one of the later ~ “Sorry, bigots, but I’m not sorry for once trusting Jussie Smollett.”
Glanton’s assertion is that Smollett’s hoax is basically justified because Trump supporters are a bunch of racists ~

(L)et’s be clear. Just because one person lied about a racist and homophobic incident does not let all bigots off the hook[…]
Now that police have officially accused Smollett of lying that supporters of President Donald Trump doused him with bleach, hung a noose around his neck and shouted, “This is MAGA country,” bigots seem to think they are due an apology.

Where are these “bigots” of whom you speak Dahleen? She keeps ranting on as if they were hiding behind every tree, chuckling with glee now that Smolett’s scam has been exposed. She even refers to the president as “bigot-in-chief” – just because that’s what all Leftists seem to believe – all actual evidence to the contrary.
Reading her piece I kept wondering when she was going to offer examples to back up her allegations. She must have some after all, to have formulated such strong opinion…
Well she did mention a couple near the end of the article – although they don’t necessarily strengthen her position ~

Of course, we will never forget the massacre last October at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh or Dylann Roof’s deadly attack at Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston the day after Trump announced his candidacy. But we also won’t forget about Stuart Wright, the Chicago accountant and white supremacist with a swastika tattooed on his back who was caught on video in 2017 smashing windows and defacing the front door of the Chicago Loop Synagogue.

Ahem. Robert Bowers was a rabid anti-Semite and an anti-Trumper Don’t try to pin that one on MAGA.

Stuart Wright is another crazed anti-Semite. And Dylann Roof was a murderous white supremacist. He’s a sociopath – not a trend.
None of these miscreants were wearing MAGA hats or expressed fealty to, or claimed inspiration by, Donald Trump.
On the other hand, just this past Tuesday a student activist for Turning Point USA (a college campus conservative group) was assaulted on the UC Berkeley Campus. And he wasn’t even wearing a MAGA hat ~

A man wearing a black shirt and pants walked up to UC Berkeley student Hayden Williams and yelled some obscenities at the TPUSA student before throwing a punch at his face. The man then walked away and said “f***g c**t.”

And if Ms. Glanton weren’t so fixated on turning on the bigot spigot, she could find out about the hundreds of other hateful acts perpetrated against Trump supporters over the last couple of years. (This website also lists a couple hundred “hate crimes” that turned out to be hoaxes.) But that wouldn’t fit the narrative I guess.
Glanton also appeals to authority – albeit a thoroughly discredited one ~

It would be in the bigots’ best interest if no one pointed out that the number of hate groups operating in America reached a record high last year — more than 1,020, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Make that the Bigoted Southern Poverty Law Center ~

Sorry Dahleen but anyone who puts Dr. Ben Carson on their Extremist Watch List has zero credibility.
Like so many of her fellow progressive journalists, Glanton is engaging in what Daniel Greenfield refers to as “an active effort to reinforce tribal prejudices” ~

In a liberal society, people from different tribes can agree to disagree because they recognize their mutual humanity. In a tribal society, the ‘other’ is less than human. Tribal narratives are about the superiority of ‘our’ people to ‘their’ people. Outrage at selective incidents is used to dehumanize the ‘other’ tribe, to call for violence against them, and then to urge their utter destruction […]

Racial tolerance has been replaced by racial tribalism. Coexistence is held to be a physical impossibility. The new racial theorems claim that ‘whiteness’ and ‘blackness’ are in perpetual conflict, and that racial justice can only come by recognizing this conflict and doing everything possible to destroy ‘whiteness’.
There’s nothing progressive about this narrow-minded tribalism. Instead the ‘progressives’ have destroyed what was once a liberal society while declaring that their tribal hatreds and prejudices, their intolerance and refusal to listen to other points of view, are justified by tribal outrage and grievance […]

The media is the voice of the leftist tribes reinforcing their identities, policing their boundaries and stirring up hatred, outrage and violence against the rest of the country. It lets no incident pass it by that it can use to stir up more tribal enmity, whether it is a boy in a red cap in Washington D.C. or a mall store closing in Colorado Springs. It has become the greatest enemy of a tolerant and open society.

Sadly, in justifying Jussie’s motives, Ms. Glanton exposes herself as yet another angry leftist, intent about further dividing the American people into tribes. Way to make the country a better place Dahleen.


The SPLC doesn’t fight hate – they foment it
‘Our Aim in Life Is … to Completely Destroy Them’ ~ The SPLC’s latest smear campaign against the David Horowitz Freedom Center ~

SPLC senior fellow Mark Potok once candidly affirmed about how his organization deals with its ideological adversaries:

“Our aim in life is to destroy these groups, to completely destroy them.”

SPLC’s worldview is rooted in the premise that the United States is perpetually “seething” with “racial violence” and “intolerance against those who are different” — i.e., members of minority groups like blacks, Hispanics, homosexuals, and Arabs/Muslims.
To combat this purported epidemic of malevolence and white supremacism, SPLC periodically publishes updated lists of U.S.-based “hate groups” and “extremist groups” from coast to coast. By its latest count, there are currently 954 active “hate groups” in the United States.

The Jussie Smollett Hoax and the Media’s Tribal War on America

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