Saturday Shorts – 11-10-18


Random links of interest, concern or curiosity from the past week or so, that deserve at least a SHORT mention:


First, some post-election news

Darn, so this won’t happen now ~ Barbra Streisand ‘thinking’ about moving to Canada if GOP keeps control of House


New Muslim Representatives: Sharia, Corruption & Jew-Hatred Come To The House ~ One is pro-Palestinian/stridently anti-Semitic, the other is suspected of immigration fraud and student loan fraud, lied under oath, and oh – married her brother 😯 ~

Their presence in the House of Representatives may be evidence of “diversity,” but it is also a disquieting sign of the continued dominance of identity politics, and the increasing balkanization of the American body politic. Forthrightly pro-America, pro-Israel candidates would stand little to no chance in either of their districts. And that is indicative of a much larger problem.

Juror from Sen. Bob Menendez’s corruption trial attends his victory party ~ Seriously? How this criminal got re-elected speaks to the sad state of morals in New Jersey. Either that or to more voter fraud ~

(Evelyn Arroyo-Maultsby, of Hillside, N.J.) who served as a juror during New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez’s federal corruption trial, attended his victory party after he won re-election Tuesday […]
She told the North Jersey Record Tuesday night that she went to the party because the senator was “a great man” and voted for him. She also showed off her Menendez for Senate T-shirt to the reporter.

No ‘Green Wave’ This Election As Voters Reject Climate Change Ballot Measures ~ There was some encouraging news ~

Voters in Arizona, Colorado and Washington rejected measures aimed at fighting global warming, despite two of those states being in Democratic hands.

Dartmouth Nightmare; It’s worse than you might think ~ Just the most recent example of the outrageous Leftist bias in the reality-free zones we still refer to as college campuses. In a letter to the president of Dartmouth, David Horowitz relates his experience with the ignorant, intolerant students ~

When I was a college radical, as I told them to no effect, I always wanted to hear what our opponents were saying because I thought it would make me a better radical. Apparently, today’s radicals are so dedicated to self-righteous know-nothingism that they couldn’t care less what they are fighting against.

Pentagon: NGOs ‘Knowingly Diverted’ Millions in U.S. Aid to Al-Qaeda ~ Seems humanitarian aid was finding its way into the hands of terrorists – shocking I know ~

Since late 2017, (Pentagon) investigations have uncovered numerous instances of possible or confirmed diversions to armed groups in Idlib Governorate in northwestern Syria, including Ha’yat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization.

But, good news ~

As a result of the findings, the Trump administration had refused to approve aid in HTS-controlled areas as of October 2018.

Jews Must Defend Themselves and Fight Their Enemies ~ In the wake of the synagogue tragedy, Michael Ledeen stresses what should be obvious to his fellow Jews; the crucial need for self-defense in the interest of simple self-preservation ~

I am dismayed at the number of people who are furious at President Trump for saying that maybe there should have been some armed security at the synagogue. They remind me of the Jews who quietly climbed onto the trains and went quietly to the death camps. No doubt they are a majority in Jewish communities throughout the diaspora, as they were in the early and mid-twentieth century. Despite the clear evidence—Jewish cadavers—they want to insist that weapons don’t belong in our houses of worship. Yet we should have learned one of the lessons of the Holocaust, namely that we must defend ourselves, and fight our enemies.

Soros Partners With Mastercard To Hand Out Money To Migrants ~ Many on the Left tried to deny it, but the billionaire undermining the West is behind almost every subversive activity ~

(T)he “Open Society” founder – who famously financed much of the opposition to Trump SCOTUS pick Brett Kavanaugh – is now partnering with Mastercard to hand out money (in the form of ‘investment capital’) to migrants, refugees and “others struggling within their communities worldwide,” according to Reuters. Through their partnership, Soros is effectively providing open financial support for migrants and refugees seeking to enter the US and Europe.

Obama EPA’s U.P. Road Block May Be Heading To U.S. Supreme Court ~ (Michigan) ~ Petition has been filed to have SCOTUS review a Marquette Country case of federal overreach ~

In 2012, the EPA blocked a plan to build a 21-mile stretch of road called County Road 595 through an undeveloped wetland in the western Upper Peninsula. The road was designed as a shortcut for heavy trucks traveling between the Eagle Mine and its Humboldt Mill in Champion, shortening the trip between the two locations by 78 miles and diverting traffic away from the city of Marquette […]
Stand U.P., a group that supports the road plan, claims County Road 595 would help the environment by cutting fuel use by 464,000 gallons per year, since the 100 commercial vehicles that travel daily on the county’s roads would be driving a shorter distance.

Man Engraved: A Response to “Boy Erased” ~ Formerly gay counselor with the truth about so-called conversion therapy. The forceful methods that this new film depicts to cure homosexuality, are completely foreign to Mr. Dallas ~

I know full well, the average person doing ministry to same-sex attracted people has never even seen a counseling session in which people behaved the way they do in Boy Erased.

Landmark study proves homosexuality is strongly linked to Catholic clergy sex abuse ~ Which comes as no big surprise ~

The share of homosexual men in the priesthood rose from twice that of the general population in the 1950s to eight times the general population in the 1980s. This trend was strongly correlated with increasing child sex abuse […]
The Sullins reports also calls attention to a 2002 survey of Catholic priests by the Los Angeles Times which asked, “In the seminary you attended, was there a homosexual subculture at the time?”
More than one quarter of the respondents said “yes,” and for those who had been ordained more recently, the number skyrocketed to 53 percent.

Alyssa Milano Refuses to Speak at Next Women’s March, Cites Anti-Semitism ~ This was quite encouraging coming from such a staunch leftist. Seems Milano does have a bit of integrity after all ~

In an interview with The Advocate, a gay community magazine, Milano condemned Women’s March organizers Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory for supporting Louis Farrakhan. The Nation of Islam leader has routinely made misogynistic, homophobic, and anti-Semitic comments. “Any time that there is any bigotry or anti-Semitism in that respect, it needs to be called out and addressed. I’m disappointed in the leadership of the Women’s March that they haven’t done it adequately,” Milano said.

Fashion Magazines Indoctrinating Young Women To Vote Left ~ Not only is this devious, how can you grow up in America and be so embarrassingly ignorant?

Teen Vogue tweeted, “Can’t #endpoverty without ending capitalism!” […]

If Vogue wishes to end capitalism, they need to start with becoming a non-profit organization. They need to end advertising for capitalist businesses. They need to stop promoting the concept of competitive beauty and high-end fashion. Continuing to engage in these practices is wholly dishonest for a business that claims that we need to end capitalism. How dare Vogue attempt to profit from peddling $1395.00 sandals and $1500.00 boots for businesses that are also making a profit — that’s blatant anti-socialist, capitalist profiteering! But Vogue likes double-dealing; having the best of both worlds. Vogue is duplicitous in its attempt to promote both capitalism and socialism simultaneously.

In addition to the above, here are 12 more examples ~ That Show That America Is Far More Messed Up Than When You Were A Kid ~ Pretty depressing ~

(H)ave we ever witnessed the level of social decay that we are seeing around the country today? We are like a divorced, bloated, drug-addicted middle age man that has seen his life completely fall apart, and it would be nice to believe that we have hit rock bottom, but the truth is that we just keep on sinking even lower.

Then again, there’s always hope…

‘I’ll Never Be the Same’: My Ukrainian Wife’s First Trip to the United States ~ Just a wonderful article from Nolan Peterson (Daily Signal’s foreign correspondent based in Ukraine) in which he relates his wife’s impressions of America. A reminder that this country still has a lot of good in it. Confession, I read much of it through tears ~

I want to share with you a perspective of your country that might be as foreign to you as the conflicts on which I’ve reported. It’s the perspective of my wife—a 22-year-old Ukrainian woman who was born in the shadow of the Soviet Union and spent most of her young life amid the backdrop of revolutions and war.

Despite all the broken dreams in her country, Lilya, like so many Ukrainians of her generation, possesses a clear vision of the life she wants and deserves. And you, dear reader, are already living it.

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