Q.) Who is the National Council of Churches to judge?

A.) A bunch of increasingly irrelevant, pompous apostates.
Yesterday, ahead of the latest FBI report into Christine Blasey Ford’s 35 year-old allegations the National Council of (progressive) Churches (NCC) judged Brett Kavanaugh, and found him wanting ~ NCC urges Kavanaugh’s nomination be withdrawn, citing his temperament and demeanor before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week ~

“Judge Kavanaugh exhibited extreme partisan bias and disrespect towards certain members of the committee and thereby demonstrated that he possesses neither the temperament nor the character essential for a member of the highest court in our nation,” read a statement released by the council Wednesday […]
Additionally, the group pointed to what the statement described as “several misstatements and some outright falsehoods” in Kavanaugh’s testimony.


So there you go. Anyone who reacts with righteous indignation to a brazen attempt to destroy their character, career and family is disrespectful. How exactly do the pharisees at the NCC propose that someone react to an unjust accusation?

And what about Jesus overturning the tables of the money-changers in the temple? What does the NCC think of His temperament and character? Further, wouldn’t you think an individual so passionate about the TRUTH would be an excellent jurist?


It’s pretty obvious that the NCC’s pronouncement was made based solely on their truth, – that is their leftist ideology – rather than the actual facts of the matter. They probably didn’t bother to read Arizona sex crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell’s 5-page summary of her findings in the case. Considering Ford’s improbable memory lapses and the numerous inconsistencies in her story, Mitchell released her memorandum last Sunday, explaining why ~

… based on her quarter-century of experience prosecuting sex crimes, no “reasonable prosecutor would bring this case based on the evidence before the Committee.”


And the timing of their statement of disapproval was especially peculiar, since the pending FBI report into Ford’s allegations was due out within 24 hours. They didn’t feel it would be the Christian thing to wait? Or to give Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt?

None of this is really surprising when you understand just what sort of “churches” the NCC represents. Here’s a brief description from Juicy Ecumenism ~

The NCC does not count the two largest Christian bodies in the United States – the Roman Catholic Church and the Southern Baptist Convention – among its affiliated member communions. The United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church (USA) and Episcopal Church do affiliate with the NCC and are among the council’s largest financial contributors […]
Statements made by the NCC in the past year oppose the U.S. decision to declare Jerusalem as capital of Israel, oppose GOP tax reform plans as biblically indefensible, and call for gun control measures. At the same time, the council has remained silent on issues of marriage and sanctity of life.


Even if this group actually still believes in God, they certainly don’t have anymore use for His rules. They just sort of make things up as they go along (they’re pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ and support open borders). Which probably explains why their membership contributions are dropping like a rock ~

In 2006 the NCC had an approximately $12 million budget and employed 40 staff, most of which were based in a now-shuttered New York headquarters. Today, the council has an annual budget one-quarter the size and lists seven staff and a single office at the United Methodist Building on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.

Furthermore, as the Juicy Ecumenism article continues, last year the organization’s Christian Unity Gathering was themed “Resilience, Resistance, and Persistence.”

Which tells you all you need to know about this post-Christian group. Their world-view is as empty as the churches they represent.


Kavanaugh Confirmation is Now a Battle for Basic Human Decency

The Kavanaugh Allegations Are Psychological Terrorism, And It’s Time They End ~

The vilification tactic is a form of psychological terrorism. Furthermore, because the fury displayed by those leveling the charges is so relentless and uncompromising, it carries its own threat. Sometimes people act on it and it becomes actual terrorism.

How We Know That Christine Ford Is A Liar ~

Ford’s story has changed to get around Kavanaugh’s defenses. These aren’t random changes in the narrative. These are targeted and calculated changes. If we are going to absolve her of dishonesty at this point, we must believe that her memory lapses are just coincidentally convenient, and that gaps in her story are coincidentally convenient, and the changes in the story are coincidentally convenient.


Prosecutor Who Questioned Ford Shreds Her Case In Five-Page Memo ~ Key ~

Dr. Ford’s account of the alleged assault has not been corroborated by anyone she identified as having attended—including her lifelong friend.

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