Aren’t Democrats the real sexists?

Hillary Clinton – and her apologists – have claimed more than a few times that one of the main reasons she’s not sitting in the Oval Office right now is because Americans are a bunch of sexists – or that there’s a huge collective of clueless women whose husbands tell them how to vote (Actually, that rather sounds like a sexist accusation doesn’t it?).
Last week Michelle Obama carried on with the whine-fest as the key-note speaker at the United State of Women Summit in Los Angeles ~

“In light of this last election, I’m concerned about us as women and how we think,” she said. “What is going on in our heads where we let that happen, you know?”
“When the most qualified person running was a woman, and look what we did instead, I mean that says something about where we are,” Obama said. “That’s what we have to explore, because if we as women are still suspicious of one another, if we still have this crazy, crazy bar for each other that we don’t have for men… if we’re not comfortable with the notion that a woman could be our president compared to… what (the jab at Trump being unmistakable, as the audience applauded), then we have to have those conversations with ourselves as women.”

We should really listen to these angry leftists of course because it worked so well ten years ago. The country was guilted into voting for our first black president (despite his stunning lack of any real accomplishments) to prove we weren’t racists. And look where that got us. Thanks to the Obama’s divisive politics, eight years after they moved into the White House, racial tensions in the United States had grown inarguably worse.

So now we’re supposed to jump on the radical sisterhood bandwagon. (Because it’s not about your qualifications, or the content of your character, it’s about your sex.)
Their leftie fans of course suck up all the blaming and shaming. It’s what they want to believe, so don’t try to pop their progressive balloon with any reality darts. Don’t give them any facts to upset the Trump voters are racist-sexist-bigoted-homophobes narrative.
For instance, don’t mention that two months ago the president nomimated the First Black Woman to Serve at Brigadier General Rank ~

If confirmed, Marine Corps Colonel Lorna M. Mahlock will be the first black woman to attain one of the highest military positions in the world.
According to a press release regarding her nomination released by the Department of Defense, Mahlock is currently serving as the deputy director of Operations, Plans, Policies, and Operations Directorate, Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps, Washington, DC. Secretary of Defense James Mattis announced the historic nomination on Tuesday, March 10.


And let’s not point out their partisan opposition to Trump’s nominee for CIA chief, Gina Haspel. While she is likely to be confirmed, as Matt Vespa points out ~

(T)he process has been a mini-war on women, with dedicated left-wingers pushing the usual talking point: ‘yeah, she’s a woman, but she’s not a real woman.’ Translation: only liberal women can be true feminists and only liberal women can benefit from feminism. Oh, and if you’re nominated by a Republican, especially Trump, you’re Satan, or something […]
This was all about being against Haspel because Trump nominated her. If Obama had nominated her if the opportunity came around, she would have been praised as a glass-ceiling breaker. As it turns out, being anti-Trump for the sake of being anti-Trump is not a sustainable line of attack, nor a smart strategy—especially when Obama’s intelligence fully endorsed Haspel’s confirmation.


And don’t bring up Nikki Haley’s resolute, pro-American stand as U.N. ambassador (they hate her politics) ~

Since day one, her take-no-prisoners approach has reaped major benefits for U.S. interests. She has refused to give away an inch to the despotic majority at the U.N. She’s likely made few friends at Turtle Bay, but she has gained the respect of Americans across the political spectrum.

Yep. Progressive’s like Michelle and Hillary are all for strong, successful females in leadership positions – unless they’re women promoted by Republicans – and nominated by Donald J. Trump.

Hillary: Michelle Obama ‘So Right’—Voters Don’t Like ‘Professionally Successful’ Women ~

“The more professionally successful we are, the less people like us,” Clinton said. “Historically, people like me when I’m serving a supporting role… But the minute a women, at least in our country, stands up and says ‘I’d like a chance to lead’… everything changes.”

Actually Hillary, no. We just don’t like you. Period.
White House: Nancy Pelosi responsible for waterboarding policy, not CIA pick Gina Haspel ~

Policymakers who set up, approved, and were briefed on enhanced interrogation techniques are the ones who were responsible for the program, not the CIA’s dedicated and professional officers like Haspel who served honorably.

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