Brave New Drones

I really don’t mean to scare anyone on a beautiful October Sunday, but this video is truly disturbing. It’s from this past Friday evening, at an “Occupy Atlanta” event in a downtown park. As an avid Mark Levin listener, the first terms that popped into my head while watching it were his nicknames for irredeemable, hardcore Lefties; “Drones” and “Mind-numbed Robots” ~

This simple-minded regimentation reminds me of the way one deals with a large group of young children. Because they have no self-control, they must be collectively controlled. Hence, the group-speak; Kinder-care for Alinskyites.

As the video begins, Rep. John Lewis (D-GA), a civil rights activist, is standing off to one side waiting to speak. Atlanta’s 11Alive station reported prior to the event:
(The protesters) have also drawn praise from experienced organizers including union leaders and long-time activists. U.S. Rep. John Lewis, the Georgia Democrat, said in a statement Friday “their activism is inspiring.”
But you can see by the look on Rep. Lewis’ face during the surreal “introduction” that he wasn’t so much inspired as unsettled. Was he suddenly having a Dr. Frankenstein moment? Maybe. Especially when they “consensused” him off the stage!
The video’s creators summarized the moment nicely:

Many curious citizens and media outlets came to the first Occupy Atlanta event, and were visible(sic) shocked and confused by the consistent Marxism employed by the group. People abandoned their individuality and liberty to be absorbed into a hypnotizing collective. The facilitator made it clear that he was not a “leader” and that everyone was completely equal; words often spoken by leftists, but in this case they actually applied their philosophy. Into this surreal and oppressive environment, Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights hero and icon of American leftism, came to speak as has so often done at left-wing rallies and events in Atlanta. He is practically worshiped in Democrat circles, and was visibly stunned to see these Marxists turn him away. It was reminiscent of previous Marxist revolutions in history when those who ignorantly supported the revolutionaries are, over time, purged and rejected for the “good of the collective”, when their usefulness has expired.


Near the end of the video the leader shouts: “Democracy won!” 😯
No. Zombie Mobacracy won.
Let’s hope enough people see this, wake up to the Truth, and run as fast as they can from the “Occupy Animal Farm” movement.

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