The New Totalitarians


Remember decades ago when “intolerance” was the worst sin progressives could pin on you? Every time we conservatives tried to push back against their radical social agenda they demanded to know “Who are you to judge? You bigot!” Well, once they started down that road – misapplying Scripture and bastardizing the English language – it was inevitable: the Left has turned into the very scourge they accused the Right of being: INTOLERANT.


Here is just the latest example of their illiberal ideology…
Kevin Williamson Fired From The Atlantic For Opposing Abortion ~

Kevin Williamson, a longtime columnist for National Review, was fired for his opinions on abortion within two weeks of the announcement of his new gig at The Atlantic. After The Atlantic announced they were hiring Williamson, the usual suspects freaked out and proceeded to dig up old tweets and audio to get the magazine’s management to change their minds.


From what I know of him, Kevin Williamson is not exactly my cup of tea; a libertarian (which I always read as “libertine,”) and an ardent anti-Trumper. But that doesn’t mean he might not frequently have something relevant and thought-proving to share. As John Zmirak stated ~

Williamson is a genuine conservative. Pro-life, pro gun rights, sane on immigration. And he writes quite well, if sometimes too acerbically….
So his presence at The Atlantic would have benefited its readers. You know, by making them think.

[For the record, it was a tweet that seems to have inflamed the Left. Williamson opined that anyone having or performing an abortion should be punished. He is pro-life, but essentially was wondering If we give legal rights to children in the womb, what do we do to those who violate them?.
Abortion is an issue that deserves open and honest discussion/debate. The Left just wants everyone who doesn’t agree with them to shut-up.]


Unfortunately, as Kevin may be realizing too late, if you’ve ever deviated by the slightest degree from today’s unforgiving progressive dogma, you will be shamed, riduculed, ostracized – and yes, even fired.

As former colleague David French wrote at National Review,

(Williamson’s) millions of words, his countless interviews, and his personal character were reduced to nothing — inconsequential in the face of deleted tweets and a five-minute podcast dialogue.

… Kevin is one of our most interesting and talented voices. Like every single interesting and talented person I know, he can provoke. But so what? Aren’t we adults? Can’t we handle disagreement? Apparently not.

And in silencing dissent, the Left certainly has turned Saul Alinsky’s 13th Rule for Radicals into an art form ~

RULE 13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.


“Evil talks about tolerance only when it’s weak. When it gains the upper hand,
its vanity always requires the destruction of the good and the innocent,
because the example of good and innocent lives is an ongoing witness against it.
So it always has been. So it always will be.”

~ Charles Chaput, archbishop of Philadelphia~ G.K.Chesterton

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