MSM in a foul mood over Trump’s excellent health


If we needed any further evidence of the mainstream media’s universal bias against the president we only have to observe their reaction to the news of his clean bill of mental and physical health last week ~ Diagnosis: President Fit, Media Has Fits ~

The President’s in excellent health, particularly for a man his age. His cholesterol is a bit high and the 239-pounder admits he needs to lose 10-15 pounds. Trump, because of all the blabber about his mental health, requested a cognitive test. He nailed it 30 for 30. He doesn’t need much sleep, is blessed with great genetics and when aides are collapsing from exhaustion on foreign trips, he’s still raring to go.
However, the press hammered Jackson for an hour with questions that were variations on a theme: “You’re lying. When is the crazy SOB just going to die already?!”
A major focus was on Alzheimer’s. ABC’s Cecelia Vega led the charge: “Are you ruling out things like early onset Alzheimer’s? Are you looking at dementia-like symptoms?” The question spread like the flu. Just to name two: Margaret Brennan wondered if Jackson missed Trump’s (obvious to her) Alzheimers, given Trump’s age and Ronald Reagan. Sanjay Gupta also asked about “early stages of dementia.” (Ironically, one reporter suggested that repeating things was a sign of mental issues. If true, that whole room needs to get checked out STAT.) […]

“Do you know his life expectancy span?” (We really do want to know when he’s going to die.)
“Can you explain to me how a guy who eats McDonald’s and KFC and drinks all those diet cokes and never exercises is in as good a shape as you say he’s in?” (Jackson: “It’s called genetics.”) […]
It grew even more absurd: “Is he limited to one scoop of ice cream now?” “What’s his waist measurement?” “Does he wear dentures?” “Do you worry about how much TV he watches?” “Are you concerned about his Twitter use”?


To paraphrase Al Perrotta, writing at The Stream, it’s pretty clear that any sickness in the White House isn’t in the Oval Office, it’s in the press room.
10 Of The Dumbest Questions Reporters Asked During Trump’s Health Press Conference

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