The World’s War on Christendom – Latest Dispatch from the Front


How did America go from a nation inarguably founded and grounded in Christian principles, to one in which a significant portion of the media is openly hostile to the faith? ~ Rage at Rubio’s Bible Tweets: More Evidence of Troubling Bias Against Christians ~

… Jennifer Rubin of The Washington Post, and a number of other journalists, have apparently taken Gob Bluth (who heckled a harmless student from India, with “Go home, you terrorist!”) as a role model. They’ve responded with shock and outrage to the following: Yesterday morning Catholic U.S. Senator Marco Rubio posted some phrases from the Bible on Twitter.

Variously described as “creepy,” “unsettling” and “terrifying” in a flurry of atheist hyperbole, Catholic Senator Rubio merely tweeted out the scripture readings from Tuesday’s mass. Gasp!


I mean it doesn’t get much more terrifying than this does it?


Dr. Michael Brown puts these bullies’ noxious behavior in perspective ~

For centuries, American Christians were a vast and highly tolerant majority. Now the tenor of culture and laws has changed so drastically, that we are becoming an unpopular minority. Perhaps one not to be tolerated […]
There’s no group that’s easier to get away with hating than one that was once quite powerful, which loses its grip. Think of the fate of noblemen in France after 1789, priests in Russia after 1917, or once-elite Tutsis in Rwanda in 1994.
In cases like those, people in the newly powerful group can indulge in open hatred for members of the now-dethroned minority. They can hide it behind past “abuses” (real or imagined). They can target innocent people, whip up resentment, encourage discrimination, even get the government to persecute helpless people — whose crime is that they belong to the group that fell from power.

It’s easy to mock the over-reactive, outrageous Left. But this rabid intolerance should concern every American Christian; it doesn’t bode well for the future.
Good to see the Florida senator isn’t easily intimidated by the anti-God bigots. This tweet was from earlier today :)

Updated: 5-22-17 ~
Real Christian Persecution: Are We Near the Tipping Point? ~ Tom Gilson at The Stream elaborates on this disturbing anti-Christian trend; time to wake up!

(T)oo many American Christians are still doing church as usual, as if none of this were going on. We’re not preparing our people with focused prayer. We’re not equipping them with apologetics, giving them reasons to hold firm to their faith while under pressure. We’re not building nearly enough community to keep each other strong.

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